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thoughtbot-shoulda 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 thoughtbot-shoulda

imdb_og 0.6.0

Simple library to look up movies on IMDB

30,827 下载

cached_mailer 0.1.5

Cached Mailer simply stores a copy of all the email you send with ActionMailer to the d...

30,747 下载

carpool 0.3.0

Carpool is a single sign on solution for Rack-based applications allowing you to persis...

30,714 下载

q4m 0.0.8

Interface to pragmatically setup a queue job for Q4M!

30,698 下载

schubert-minglr 1.3.11

* This gem provides two executable binaries to interact with Mingle (http://mingle.thou...

30,685 下载

ccbuilder 0.1.2

Some tools for dynamically creating clusters on top of OpenNebula. This project is a pl...

30,658 下载

tsunami 0.4.0

For reals, it draws waveforms, man

30,609 下载

date_ext 0.1.2

Ruby classes for weekday, month, etc.

30,117 下载

ttc-gps 0.7.1

Uses NextBus data.

29,873 下载

davegem 0.0.7

It's like ten-thousand spoons when all you need is a knife.

29,824 下载

john-doe 0.1.9

Simple chatbot AI

29,787 下载

enom-api 0.2.3

Client for communicating with the eNom API

29,627 下载

sinatra-i18n 0.1.0

allows you to have config/locales/en.yml and the t helper

29,586 下载

dti_nitf 0.2.5

Helps you processes the 'XML' (Quotes intentional) from DTI's XML export into valid NIT...

29,565 下载

dm-rails-gae 0.1.1

Integrate datamapper to rails3 for the Google App Engine

29,564 下载

health_monitor 0.1.4

Monitor all aspects of your applications health.

29,485 下载

caplock 0.3.1

Adds a lock file to Capistrano deployments to prevent concurrent deployments.

29,037 下载

shoesgem 0.1514.0

Shoes is a tiny graphical app kit. ShoesGem is a gem of Shoes for Windows.

28,651 下载

zmb 0.3.2

ZMB, messenger bot

28,487 下载

ready_for_i18n 0.3.0

ready_for_i18n will help you extract visible hard-coded text from your ERB view files, ...

28,456 下载

seanhussey-woulda 0.2.2


28,314 下载

pasco 1.2.5

pasco is a gem that reads ie histories on provideing ie history file i.e *.dat

28,264 下载

ukrainian 2.6.0

Ukrainian language support for Ruby and Rails

27,985 下载

krasivotokak-espresso 0.0.16

Useful templates for controller and model functions

27,330 下载

acts_as_paginable 0.4.0

Filter records by passing params to a controller. No need to modify the model anymore.

27,292 下载

grok 0.0.5

A more featureful replacement for SEC (Simple Event Correlator) in Ruby.

27,278 下载

imposter 0.1.8

Add generator and rake tasks via YAML based imposters for schema level data faking

27,138 下载

imposter 0.1.8

Add generator and rake tasks via YAML based imposters for schema level data faking

27,138 下载


A library to enable per user / group authentication on a read / write basis for git rep...

27,072 下载

incurve 0.1.4

InCurve provides some handy helper methods for your Rails app, letting you easily inlin...

26,989 下载

下载总量 127,224

这个版本 94,511


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