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thoughtbot-shoulda 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 thoughtbot-shoulda

resque-throttle 0.3.0

resque-throttle is an extension to the resque queue system that restricts the frequency...

99,881 下载

da_huangs_ruby_extensions 0.0.25

I find myself wanting to use these methods all the time.

94,562 下载

geo_location 0.4.2

Geo Location allows you to geo-locate your users using their IP address via

91,525 下载

acts_as_historical 0.1.5

ActiveRecord plugin for historical data (stock prices, pageviews, etc).

87,367 下载

technicalpickles-jeweler 1.2.1

Simple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub

87,215 下载

magent 0.7.0

Simple job queue system based on mongodb

84,400 下载

konto_check 6.15.0

Check whether a certain bic/account-no-combination or an IBAN can possibly be valid, ge...

82,599 下载

acts_as_solr 1.3.3

Acts As Solr

81,519 下载

street_address 1.0.0

A Ruby port of the Geo::StreetAddress::US Library, originally by Jeremy Hubert

78,971 下载

tvdb_party 0.9.3

Simple Ruby library to talk to's api

78,730 下载

jnunemaker-twitter 0.6.15

wrapper for the twitter api

74,135 下载


File attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord

71,530 下载

rstats 0.0.4

Adds statistical helper methods like mean, median, mode, skewness, etc. to ruby's array...

68,403 下载

di-simple_auth 0.3.5

longer description of your gem

66,230 下载

yore 0.3.1

yore (as in "days of yore") is a user data management utility for web applications.

65,520 下载

madrona-rad 0.5.0

Ruby Arduino Development: a framework for programming the Arduino physcial computing pl...

63,789 下载

phocus 1.1

Tell test/unit exactly which tests you want run. It will ignore all the other ones and ...

62,635 下载

rails_dm_datastore 0.2.16

This gem patches all of the problems that appear from running Rails with DataMapper on ...

62,540 下载

flex-sdk 0.7.1

Flex SDK Gem for redistribution to build servers and other developers. Also provides a ...

61,671 下载

flex-sdk 0.7.1

Flex SDK Gem for redistribution to build servers and other developers. Also provides a ...

61,671 下载

concerned_with 0.1.0

Rails gem to separate model concerns into multiple files.

59,701 下载

medieval 0.5.2

This is a medieval names generator, inspired by faker gem. In the future it will be use...

59,531 下载

vortex_client 0.7.3

Utility for managing content on Vortex web content management system through webdav

59,024 下载

google_otg 1.1.3

Include Google's Over Time Graph in your app

58,235 下载

flare 1.7.0

This needs to get updated

55,838 下载

thunder_punch 0.1.6

Collection of capistano recipes for deployment and server tasks

54,720 下载

anychart_xml_builder 0.0.12

This gem provides you the methods to easily generate the XML necessary for AnyChart

54,239 下载

curbit 0.2.0

Rate limiting for Rails action controllers.

53,803 下载

twitterland 0.4.6

wrappers for various twitter apis

53,175 下载

the-maestro 0.4.2

Maestro is a cloud provisioning, configuration, and management utility for your Ruby an...

52,483 下载

下载总量 125,796

这个版本 93,394


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