RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour thoughtbot-shoulda Latest version of the following gems require thoughtbot-shoulda

freeagent_api 0.3.1

This is an ActiveResource Ruby wrapper for the Freeagent API. Currently supports the fo...

17 072 Téléchargements

rack-funky-cache 0.0.6

Funky caching for Rack based applications

17 068 Téléchargements

mizuho_bank 0.1.6

Mizuho Bank (Mizuho Direct) Ruby Interface

17 061 Téléchargements

gem-github 0.5.0

Show Github-related stats of the same gem from different users

17 004 Téléchargements

geo2d 0.1.3

Geo2D provides basic Planar Geometry functions for line-strings (poly-lines.)

16 781 Téléchargements

easycrumbs 2.0.0

Easy breadcrumbs for your website

16 778 Téléchargements

gitauth 0.1.0

A library to enable per user / group authentication on a read / write basis for git rep...

16 750 Téléchargements

flightcaster 0.2.1

Simple interaction with the flightcaster API. Look up flight predictions and inform...

16 722 Téléchargements

http_url_validation_improved 1.3.1

a Rails gem that allows you to validate a URL entered in a form. It validates if the U...

16 713 Téléchargements

CatchNotes_api 0.1.6

An ActiveResource like interface to

16 534 Téléchargements

single_instance 0.3.1

SingleInstance uses an exclusive file lock to allow or block execution of code.

16 510 Téléchargements

human_hash 0.2.1

gem for vertically formatted inspection of a Ruby Hash via an added instance method hum...

16 501 Téléchargements

extended_string 0.1.7

Extends your standard String class, Adds leet method that does the leet talk

16 458 Téléchargements

filecount 0.2.1

Counts files in directory recursively

16 432 Téléchargements

has_web_fallback 0.2.0

Adds the commonly required behaviour of caching web accessible versions of HTML emails ...

16 368 Téléchargements

handy-regexps 0.1.3

Useful regular expressions, so far Url and Email

16 281 Téléchargements

multicast 0.2.2

Multicasting in Ruby

16 233 Téléchargements

hmm 0.2.0

This project is a Ruby gem ('hmm') for machine learning that natively implements a (som...

16 218 Téléchargements

gallerby 0.1.3

Think about a dead-simple static gallery generator, with nothing except pictures, thumb...

16 137 Téléchargements

interfacelift 0.1.1

Installs themes and other layout/interface related resources

15 989 Téléchargements

iq-html 0.1.3

Library containing a series of helper methods for creating html markup including the es...

15 806 Téléchargements

isna 0.0.4

Easily compiles transforms a string into ansi code

15 779 Téléchargements

has_settings 0.0.5

This gem is an ActiveRecord extension which provides a convenient interface for managin...

15 759 Téléchargements

is_contacted 0.1.3

Short description for contacted gem

15 744 Téléchargements

idclight 0.1.3

A Ruby gem for accessing the freely available IDClight (IDConverter Light) web service,...

15 677 Téléchargements

laserlemon-cache_flow 0.1.5

Easily cache ActiveRecord's to_xml and to_json outputs

15 448 Téléchargements

angry-pickle 0.2.0

Growl integration with Cucumber's pretty-print output.

15 372 Téléchargements

array_pair 0.2.0

random useful methods for working with Ruby arrays and hashes

15 356 Téléchargements

josh-splat 0.0.5

SPlat is an integration platform to make use of SMS integration really easy. Using this...

15 314 Téléchargements

bruce-bumpspark 1.0.4

Generates transparent PNG "bumpspark"-style sparklines. Use from Ruby directly or as a ...

15 304 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 128 574

Pour cette version 95 591



Version de Ruby requise: None
