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Dépendances inversées pour thoughtbot-shoulda Latest version of the following gems require thoughtbot-shoulda

lifestream 0.1.5

downloads and parses lifestream information from sources like facebook and twitter

22 878 Téléchargements

lingq 0.3.1

Gem for interacting with the API of It's a language learning website, and i...

22 849 Téléchargements

deactivatable 0.1.1

Deactivatable provides methods and a default_scope to allow ActiveRecord objects to be ...

22 849 Téléchargements

langouste 0.1.6

Gem and console tool for translation through various online services (google translate,...

22 709 Téléchargements

ktlacaelel-plog 0.2.4

Plog - Ruby on Rails production log statistic generator. by Kazuyoshi Tlacaelel

22 637 Téléchargements

cattr 0.1.2

cattr like attr_* but for class methods. we know rails has it, but it's useful eleswher...

22 409 Téléchargements

conv 0.0.4

Mainly testing gemcutter deployment

22 144 Téléchargements

loadaboy 0.3.0

LoadaBoy is a load testing gem.

21 964 Téléchargements

simpleMailer 0.1.9

SimpleMailer is a simple wrapper for net::smtp that let you attach files

21 844 Téléchargements

pp-colour 0.1.0

colourized version of the builtin pp

21 838 Téléchargements

rack-denyie 1.1.3

Rack middleware that denies specified versions of IE.

21 813 Téléchargements

counter 0.5.31

count things, either as a one-off or aggregated over time

21 751 Téléchargements

pipa-xmlnuts 0.2.5

XmlNuts is an XML to Ruby and back again mapping library.

21 726 Téléchargements

documenter 0.0.5

This gem uses OpenOffice and pdftk to convert, split, join, fill and copy files. It may...

21 670 Téléchargements

threedaymonk-l10nizer 0.0.9

Automatically extract strings from ERB templates and replace with calls to t()

21 513 Téléchargements

plog 0.6.0

Plog - Ruby on Rails production log statistic generator. by Kazuyoshi Tlacaelel

21 487 Téléchargements

preformatter 0.7.1

The gem helps you by deleting spaces, special characters or replacing accents in the fi...

21 476 Téléchargements

sfanalytics 0.2.16

SFanalytics provides Google Analytics for your app. Probably only really useful...

21 107 Téléchargements

gtasks 0.0.6

GoogleTasks CommandLine Interface

21 028 Téléchargements

tag-it 0.3.2

Interacting with RFID receivers through serial ports is not much fun. This makes it a ...

20 959 Téléchargements

formtastic_extensions 0.0.7

extension for formtastic, adding tag_list and others

20 957 Téléchargements

rubyMorphbank 0.2.6

Uses the Morphbank API to query and return results from the Morphbank database.

20 850 Téléchargements

app-themer 0.4.6

App Themer is a rails generator inspired by web-app-theme that allows you to quickly ge...

20 836 Téléchargements

rotten-tomatoes 0.2.0

Allows you to search and get information about movies from Organiz...

20 783 Téléchargements

sprint 1.1.0

Make dealing with execution of external processes easier.

20 734 Téléchargements

amazon-associates 0.7.2

amazon-associates offers object-oriented access to the Amazon Associates API, built on ...

20 448 Téléchargements

rack-validate 0.1.4

Rack middleware that validates HTML with w3c validator and displays result in page.

20 301 Téléchargements

active_scaffold_generator 0.1.1

This generator creates a controller with the given name and adds an active_scaffold dec...

20 084 Téléchargements

ya 0.3.2

Ya is a simple authentication system which uses a YAML flat file to store directory info.

19 785 Téléchargements

happy-commit 0.1.0

happy commits!

19 686 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 128 421

Pour cette version 95 482



Version de Ruby requise: None
