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terminal-table 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 terminal-table

cc_manager 0.0.5

Managing Credit card processing with ease via command line app with file input

20,578 下载

uptimerobot_cmd 0.3.5

Manage your Uptimerobot monitors from command-line

20,449 下载

funding_primer 0.3.0

In order to visualise the products of two prime numbers, funding_primer will print out ...

20,343 下载

primo 0.1.0

A configurable default Rails stack using application templates

20,291 下载

mkmatter 3.1.6

A gem that helps a user maintain a jekyll site source directory.

20,279 下载

octo 0.0.8

A lightweight script that allows you to run commands in parallel on multiple hosts

20,219 下载

openpull 0.0.9

Fetches open pull-requests, with status and mergability, in your organisation.

20,138 下载

imp3 0.1.5

An application for batch processing and fixing common issues when dealing with a large ...

20,001 下载

gemshine 0.2.2

Enter a path and gemshine will recursively explore every ruby project and show you both...

19,842 下载

github_bus_factor 0.1.9

Provides few more parameters to estimate quality of the GitHub project besides stars.

19,733 下载

lxdev 0.2.1

Lightweight vagrant-like system using LXD

19,612 下载

vagrant-deltacloud-provider 0.0.9

Enables Vagrant to manage machines in Deltacloud Cloud.

19,612 下载

pulse_meter_cli 0.4.17

CLI for pulse-meter metrics processor

19,602 下载

terminal-table-unicode 0.1.9

Simple, feature rich ascii table generation library with full-width unicode characters

19,442 下载

improved_jenkins_client 1.6.7

This is a simple and easy-to-use Jenkins Api client with features focused on automating...

19,423 下载

richard-cli 1.2.3

A command line interface for richard

19,250 下载

prek 1.0.5

manage tool

19,154 下载

stackoverflow 0.1.5

Allows to query Stack Overflow's questions & answers from the command line. It can eith...

18,945 下载

interchangeable 0.0.6

Extract interchangeable components in your application. Identify them, describe them, a...

18,721 下载

software_smithy 1.6.5

Smithy can help maintain a collection of software installed from source. Typically, man...

18,695 下载

vaws 0.8.3

The vaws command simplifies the display of AWS resources.

18,597 下载

gargor 1.0.1

An auto-tuning tool for internet servers w/ Genetic Algorithm and Chef. You can get goo...

18,463 下载

bilisim_sozlugu 2.0.2

Translating English terms related to Computer Sciences to Turkish from Informatics Asso...

18,462 下载

timesheets 1.2.3

A CLI for managing timesheets.

18,309 下载

digicert-cli 1.0.0

The CLI for digicert API

18,209 下载

scli 0.0.8

A command line tool to interface with IBM SmartCloud: create, view & delete instances, ...

18,132 下载

accio 0.0.3

Accio is a code snippet management tool for the terminal

18,131 下载

running_track 1.0.9

A simple gem that prints running tracks information from site

18,034 下载

capwatch 0.2.5

Watches your cryptoportfolio

17,928 下载

papers_please 0.1.7

A roles & permissions gem for ruby applications.

17,844 下载

下载总量 253,304,176

这个版本 79,532,765




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
