RubyGems Navigation menu

terminal-table 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 terminal-table

mdata 1.6.0

A command line tool to help manipulate Salesforce metadata without digging into XML

26,013 下载

db-migrate 0.2.2

Tool for managing and executing your database migrations. It supports multiple database...

25,924 下载

cap-gce 1.1.6

Cap-GCE is used to generate Capistrano namespaces and tasks from Google Compute Engine ...

25,729 下载

dorian 2.6.3

a collection of gems

25,691 下载

frachtraum 0.0.12

lorem ipsum

25,578 下载

gh_issues 0.4.10

Manage your GitHub issues from command-line.

25,559 下载

elastomer-cli 0.3.6

Command line interface for elastomer

25,369 下载

terrestrial-cli 0.6.7

Ruby CLI Gem for interacting with your project and Terrestrial.

25,078 下载

vagrant-conoha 0.1.10

Enables Vagrant to manage VPS in ConoHa.

24,740 下载

teecket 0.0.11

Search ticket's fare for all major airlines in Malaysia at once

24,487 下载

viking-pairity 0.1.12

A fair and balanced gem for pair rotation.

23,743 下载

herodot 0.2.2

With herodot you can track the times you spend on a git branch. When using a branch for...

23,589 下载

tac-cli 0.1.0

Test automation client tool

23,280 下载

cfndk 0.1.3

cfndk is AWS Cloud Formation Development Kit

23,122 下载

mystro-client 0.3.2

mystro client

23,090 下载

canals 0.9.1

A console utility to help build ssh tunnels and keep them up

23,017 下载

cupertinopro 0.1.6

A supercharged command-line interface for the iOS Provisioning Portal

22,945 下载

ps-voodoo 0.0.8

A small command line utility for helping with PeopleSoft administration

22,925 下载

cloudcover 0.2.4

Provides a simple interface for using Okta authentication in command line applications

22,569 下载

gemignore 0.5.0

gemignore allows you to automatically insert a wide range of preset .gitignore snippets...

22,345 下载

vmc-IronFoundry 0.3.24

Client library and CLI that provides access to the VMware Cloud Application Platform.

22,309 下载

jirify 0.2.3

JIRA for your terminal

22,229 下载

tableview 0.4.0

Supported formats are ASCII, MS Excel, HTML and CSV; it is easy to create your own expo...

22,159 下载

discrete_math 0.0.12

A discrete math interactive terminal app with sub-menus and demos including a RubyGems ...

22,052 下载

interactive 0.6.2

command-line helper, prints out questions and waits for valid responses

21,630 下载

postfix_admin 0.3.2

Command Line Tools for Postfix Admin

21,397 下载

meer 0.0.8

CLI for datameer

21,299 下载

atlantispro 0.2.1

A simple command line interface to work with multiple application distribution services...

21,248 下载

torque_rm 0.2.7

TORQUE Resource Manager for Ruby. Submit, check and control your job directly from Ruby.

21,055 下载

simplecov-single_file 0.1.0

Single file coverage reports for SimpleCov.

20,912 下载

下载总量 253,300,767

这个版本 79,529,968




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
