RubyGems Navigation menu

terminal-table 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 terminal-table

cfn-guardian 0.11.11

Manages AWS cloudwatch alarms with default templates using cloudformation

58,364 下载

society 2.0.1

Social graph for Ruby objects. Based on an original idea by Kerri Miller.

58,358 下载

tfctl 1.6.1

Terraform wrapper for managing multi-account AWS infrastructures

57,809 下载

awesome_explain 1.0.1

AwesomeExplain provides the same APM level of query analysis under your development and...

57,688 下载

flor 1.6.2

A Ruby workflow engine (ruote next generation)

57,113 下载

fresnel 0.6.7

Fresnel is a console manager to using the official lighthouse api.

57,053 下载

bytedance 0.4.0

manage tool

53,209 下载

infoboxer 0.4.0

Infoboxer is library targeting use of Wikipedia (or any other MediaWiki-based wiki)...

52,730 下载

ld 0.4.5

For the sake of efficiency, The Module is my name abbreviations LD, Basically has the f...

51,799 下载

harbr 2.8.1

Harbr is a versatile tool designed to streamline the deployment, management, and scalin...

51,495 下载

github_workflow 0.4.3

DaisyBill's internal github workflows

51,463 下载

mms-api 0.2.3

Agent for MMS API

51,232 下载

nex_client 0.17.0

Client library for Maestrano Nex!™ PaaS

50,356 下载

tumugi 0.7.1

Tumugi is a library to build, run and manage complex workflows. Tumugi enables you to d...

49,767 下载

app42 0.7.0

Client library and command-line tool to deploy and manage apps on App42PaaS.

49,644 下载

csv2psql 0.0.19

CSV to SQL conversion tool with user friendly CLI

49,280 下载

drone-builds 0.7.1

List builds, print realtime output, view previous outputs, filter outputs

48,795 下载

phase 1.0.2

A simple way to manage cloud instances within a multi-subnet network, like an AWS VPC.

48,534 下载

Dex 0.4.4

A simple function to log errors to sqlite3.

48,052 下载

esx 0.4.4

Manage VMWare ESX hosts with ease

48,027 下载

vagrant-vcloud 0.5.0

Enables Vagrant to manage machines with VMware vCloud Director®.

47,056 下载

xcode-installer 0.3.1

Installs Xcode GUI or command-line

46,761 下载

gcov2x 0.5.6

gcov2x digests .gcov files generated by llvm-cov and translates them into various commo...

45,723 下载

knife-esx 0.3.5

ESX Support for Chef's Knife Command

45,427 下载

aviator 0.3.1

A lightweight Ruby library for the OpenStack API

45,312 下载

hive-runner-android 1.2.15

The Android controller module for Hive Runner

44,341 下载

dokkufy 0.2.1

Dokku Provisioning Made Easy

44,028 下载

site_analyzer 0.3.17

Create site report for SEO many options.

42,880 下载

collins_shell 0.2.26

Provides basic CLI for interacting with Collins API

41,934 下载

hansolo 0.1.12

Tool to automate deployment using chef-solo and berkshelf

40,783 下载

下载总量 253,290,178

这个版本 79,521,389




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
