RubyGems Navigation menu

terminal-table 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 terminal-table

mobingi 0.0.1

This command line tool helps you manage stacks on Mobingi

3,110 下载

collector-ruby 0.1.1

Client for the Collector API

3,094 下载

softlayer-report-cli 0.2.0

SoftLayer Reporting CLI

3,085 下载

twofu 0.1.0

Twofu is a compatible command-line alternative to Google Authenticator which allows you...

3,041 下载

dnsblim 0.1.3

DNSBLim the Gem is a primarily DNSBLim API key holder exclusive, whereas the key holder...

3,031 下载

houki 0.1.0

Delete collectively unnecessary files.

3,028 下载

gaea 0.1.0

Search everything from StackOverFlow, Rubygems.

2,980 下载

passbookpgh 0.4.5

This gem allows you to create IOS Passbooks. Unlike some, this works with Rails but d...

2,967 下载

ruboty-mackerel 0.1.0

Ruboty plugin for Mackerel.

2,964 下载

rg-codebreaker-gem. 0.0.2

This gem help to create a guessing game.

2,944 下载

mosTrack 1.0.0

A simple gem that prints running tracks information from site

2,909 下载

bn-venice 0.2.3

iTunes In-App Purchase Receipt Verification

2,829 下载

ad-github-pages 231.4

Bootstrap the GitHub Pages Jekyll environment locally.

2,803 下载

owasp-glue 0.9.0

Glue detects security vulnerabilities in code.

2,788 下载

aws-cli 0.0.1.pre4

This gem contains a command-line "aws" script, which provides an interface to certain A...

2,780 下载

zurp 0.1.0

Zurp allows your to quickly enable, disable, delete and create nginx virtualhosts, with...

2,769 下载

we-github-stats 0.1.0

Pull basic statistics on the last years worth of commits

2,724 下载

mayu-live 0.0.6

Mayu Live is a live updating server side VirtualDOM framework for Ruby, inspired by mod...

2,710 下载

qcloudhive 0.1.0


2,702 下载

indexter 1.0.0

Checks databases tables for indexes on foreign keys.

2,688 下载


Ruby Gem for In-App Purchase Receipt Verification

2,677 下载

coin_trading 0.1.0

Check coins price on binance exchange

2,633 下载

payment_schedule 1.0.1

Mild toolset for changing payment schedule algorithms to lovely Ruby code.

2,629 下载

fs-gitlab 4.19.3

Ruby client and CLI for GitLab API

2,606 下载

canadian_mergers 0.1.0

A CLI tool for scraping monthly data on concluded mergers in Canada

2,561 下载

rrb-common 0.1.8

A set of common classes, modules, and functions for Rune.rb.

2,558 下载

fastlane-mercafacil 2.214.0

The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps

2,552 下载

capistrano3-dotenv-check 0.0.2

Capistrano3 check .env variables

2,537 下载

gitlab-akerl 4.0.0

Ruby client and CLI for GitLab API

2,533 下载

rspec_table_formatter 0.1.10

a simple gem to output the rspec run summery in markdown table formatso you can copy pa...

2,530 下载

下载总量 253,356,678

这个版本 79,576,186




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
