terminal-notifier 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 terminal-notifier
tnotify 1.0.0
Terminal notifications made easy.
3,785 下载
tomato_paste 0.0.2
A concentrated version of the Pomodoro technique written in Ruby just for you (and me) ...
3,768 下载
ilpomodoro 0.0.1
mother of productivity
3,751 下载
after_notifier 0.1.0
You must wait launched process long long time. then, this command can notify you after ...
3,678 下载
notis 0.1.0
notis is a Mac OSX utility that allows you to display a standard OSX toast message noti...
3,668 下载
tailnudge 0.0.1
Tailnudge displays OS notifications when a tailed file matches a pattern; useful for be...
3,626 下载
jekyll-build-notifier 0.2
Plugin to generate a macOS notification when a build completes or fails
3,562 下载
jekyll-build-notifier 0.2
Plugin to generate a macOS notification when a build completes or fails
3,562 下载
remindmeto 0.0.1
A simple Ruby client for ubuntu notification reminders
3,530 下载
ainner 0.12.0
HTML5 Application Assembler
3,476 下载
odesk-jobnotifier 0.1.0
Get real-time notifications about new jobs on Odesk on your Mac.
3,438 下载
gary 0.1.0
The Garylang interpreter executes Garylang programs. What to do?
3,338 下载
rspec-matchers-be_an_array_of 0.2.0
An RSpec matcher that ensures expected is an array and each element is of specified type.
3,322 下载
rspec_matcher_define_constant 0.1.0
RSpec matcher define_constant. Runs block and tracks all defined constants to make su...
3,293 下载
imgur-auto-uploader 0.0.3
Automatically upload images to Imgur.
3,291 下载
lateral 0.1.0
Ruby wrapper for lateral.io content recommendation API
3,282 下载
carbonate 0.1
A Clojure-inspired Lisp dialect that aims to mirror full Ruby functionality. Includes a...
3,273 下载
gitlab_notifier 0.1.0
Gitlab Notifier using Mac OS X User Notifications
3,137 下载
rspec_be_an_array_of 0.1.0
An RSpec matcher that ensures expected is an array and each element is of specified type.
2,978 下载
clone.io 0.1.0
Genetically identical images that reproduce asexually.
2,882 下载
rspec-matchers-define_constant 0.1.1
RSpec matcher define_constant. Runs block and tracks all defined constants to make su...
2,826 下载
station_signage 0.1.0
Display controller and action names on Rails apps using notifications.
2,732 下载
newrelic-management 0.1.1
NewRelic Management Utility
2,705 下载
fastlane-mercafacil 2.214.0
The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps
2,651 下载
linner-hc 1.0.0
HTML5 Application Assembler
2,591 下载
xcodebuild_rake 2.2.5
This gem contains useful helpers for building and testing iOS/watchOS/tvOS/macOS apps u...
2,469 下载
fonbok 0.1.0
fonbok reads and writes phonebooks (XML files) for AVM FRITZ!Box devices.
2,455 下载
lmki 0.0.1
Provides a minimalist timer inside the command-line terminal and send a macOS notificat...
2,210 下载
textflight-client 1.0.1
TextFlight is a space-based text adventure MMO. https://leagueh.xyz/tf/ https://league...
1,741 下载
buergerbot 0.2.0
Find appointments at the Bürgeramt in Berlin
1,713 下载