terminal-notifier 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 terminal-notifier
livebuzz-gitx 0.1.2
Git eXtensions for common development workflow
7,834 下载
gns 0.0.2
GitHub personalized feed Notifications Service
7,551 下载
quickbooks-payments 0.0.9
Ruby Gem to use the Quickbooks Payments REST API
7,486 下载
grid-plugin-osx-notifier 0.0.2
A grid module that sends a notification when there are new messages.
7,410 下载
exel-s3 1.0.2
Add-on to EXEL (https://github.com/47colborne/exel) that provides support for Amazon S3.
7,249 下载
doc_smoosher 0.1.0
A simple API documentation generator for the complicated world we live in
6,755 下载
vagrant-notifier 0.1.1
Send a notification when a Vagrant command is completed.
6,474 下载
ipasend 0.0.8
This utiliy will create an IPA from an Xcode archive and upload it to your amazon s3 bu...
6,148 下载
mac_logger 0.3.0
macOS notification logging support for Ruby
6,064 下载
pid-watcher 0.0.2
Watcher for process
6,022 下载
jp_jis_code 1.1.0
5,684 下载
yadoro 0.3.1
Yet another pomodoro CLI, complete with desktop notifications.
5,588 下载
nrser-notify 0.1.2
User notification support (OSX-only for now)
5,346 下载
fastlane_hotfix 2.187.0
The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps
5,313 下载
tvdb_client 0.1.1
Ruby library for interacting with the TVDB's REST API
5,311 下载
prgm 0.1.1
An example of embedding ActiveRecord (and migrations) in a cli app
5,002 下载
file_compare 0.1.1
A simple gem to SHA256 fingerprint and compare files.
4,924 下载
rspec-matchers-adhere_to_schema 0.1.1
checks if expected adheres to specified json schema document. document can be another...
4,809 下载
testflight_upload 0.0.2
A simple Testflight uploader for when you already have everything built and archived.
4,727 下载
uovalid 0.0.3
Simple adapter for jquery client-side validation. Idea was stollen from ASP.NET MVC
4,692 下载
cricket_score_notifier 0.2.0
Provides a realtime notification of ongoing cricket matches.
4,604 下载
dkd-ibanizator 0.10.0
dkd-ibanizator generates the correct IBAN for a given account number and bank number fo...
4,585 下载
hubdate 0.0.01
A ruby program that polls github for updates and sends them to notification center.
4,496 下载
yuris-timer 0.0.0
> timer 10min Bla bla bla
4,415 下载
seasides_fraction 0.7.1
A hand crafted class for rational numbers, a result the the first exercise of J. B. Rai...
4,137 下载
yadm 0.1
Another attempt to implement data mapper with repositories and adapters in ruby.
3,965 下载
uniq_char 0.2.0
Find first uniq character in a string
3,963 下载
feed_notifier 0.0.1
Notify feed update via notification center
3,930 下载
send_to_kindle 0.0.1
Listen to OS modification then send an email to your kindle account to add documents
3,899 下载
hash_fingerprint 0.1.0
Create an SHA256 fingerprint of a hash or array.
3,831 下载