RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour term-ansicolor Latest version of the following gems require term-ansicolor

rack-colorized_logger 1.0.4

simple logger that outputs params, session, and cookies in fancy colors.

23 441 Téléchargements

selenium-dsl 0.1.8

Simple DSL for Selenium

23 074 Téléchargements

xrefresh-server 0.3.0

XRefresh is browser refresh automation for web developers

22 924 Téléchargements

feed_torrents 0.2.2

A (multi) torrent feed reader without gui that handles both torrent links and magnet li...

22 830 Téléchargements

cupertinopro 0.1.6

A supercharged command-line interface for the iOS Provisioning Portal

22 790 Téléchargements

sinatra-export 1.0.1

Exports all your Sinatra application routes to static files in your public folder

21 695 Téléchargements

browsercms-artirix 4.0.4

BrowserCMS is a general purpose, open source Web Content Management System (CMS) that s...

21 433 Téléchargements

atlantispro 0.2.1

A simple command line interface to work with multiple application distribution services...

21 093 Téléchargements

escoffier 0.1.3

Administrative prep tasks, from mother sauces to hotel pans.

20 842 Téléchargements

mrd 0.0.7

Under Darwin, spawns a temporary MySQL instance off a RAM disk. Useful to speed up larg...

20 705 Téléchargements

capistrano-node 0.2.3

Capistrano scripts to handle Node deployment

20 560 Téléchargements

octo 0.0.8

A lightweight script that allows you to run commands in parallel on multiple hosts

20 062 Téléchargements

seagull 0.1.6

Seagull makes managing XCode projects easy as flying is for seagulls

20 044 Téléchargements

dynabix 0.3.2

Dynabix dynamically creates read/write accessors on ActiveRecord models for storing att...

19 902 Téléchargements

readis 2.6.1

Read-only Redis Utilities

19 834 Téléchargements

rails-upgrade 0.0.2

A simple battery of scripts for upgrading Rails app/checking them for required updates.

19 780 Téléchargements

gawky 0.0.3

Pull request console wrapper

19 273 Téléchargements

fswatch 0.0.5

A program for triggering a script on file system change (on OS X)

19 257 Téléchargements

monkeytest 1.0.0

A command line tool for at-a-glance testing.

19 153 Téléchargements

gherkin_readability 0.2.0

Determine readability of Gherkin Files

18 987 Téléchargements

pivotalprinter 0.3.2

Generate nice story cards from pivotaltracker.

18 838 Téléchargements

fix_protocol_tools 1.2.0

log viewer for fix protocol logs

18 753 Téléchargements

zool 0.1.4

Zool allows you to manage authorized_keys files on servers. It comes with a command-lin...

18 743 Téléchargements


Process manager for applications with multiple components

18 685 Téléchargements

zcc 0.2.0

zcc is a command line script for copy cataloging MARC records

18 515 Téléchargements

remember-the-ruby 1.3.0

18 472 Téléchargements

color_debug_messages 1.1.3

Module to add colorful debug messages to a class.

18 215 Téléchargements

accio 0.0.3

Accio is a code snippet management tool for the terminal

18 065 Téléchargements

meteorlog 0.1.0

Meteorlog is a tool to manage CloudWatch Logs. It defines the state of CloudWatch Logs ...

17 914 Téléchargements

taproot 0.1.6

Braintree test server

17 714 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 70 605 274

Pour cette version 43 567



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
