RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour term-ansicolor Latest version of the following gems require term-ansicolor

docbook_status 1.1.0

DocBook utility showing document structure and word count

29 179 Téléchargements

rake_rack 2.0.0

A set of rake tasks I commonly use - Formerly known as pool_net

29 150 Téléchargements

elasticsearch-rails-ha 1.1.0

High Availability extensions to the Elasticsearch::Rails gem

28 452 Téléchargements

borg-rb 0.1.5

Ruby-based software provisioning and deployment framework

28 189 Téléchargements

clog 1.0.0

Little rails debugging gem for writing colorized output to log file.

28 161 Téléchargements

shipit 0.0.8

Automated release tasks.

28 153 Téléchargements

grog 0.0.6

A wrapper script for git-log

28 099 Téléchargements

posgra 0.2.2

Posgra is a tool to manage PostgreSQL roles/permissions.

28 059 Téléchargements

travian_bot 0.3.0

A little bot for travian.

27 980 Téléchargements

dyna 0.2.3

Manager DynamoDB table by DSL

27 866 Téléchargements

rabelyoda 1.1.4

A simple utility to push/pull l10n resources of a Rails project to/from the translators

27 695 Téléchargements

storyboard 0.5.1

Generate PDFs and eBooks from video files

27 429 Téléchargements

fakery 0.6.0

This library fakes ruby objects from JSON API responses for testing purposes.

27 383 Téléchargements

heroku_mongo_watcher 0.3.0

Also notifies you when certain thresholds are hit. I have found this much more accurat...

27 324 Téléchargements

trex 1.0.9

trex is script simplifying the compilation of latex files by creating proper human-read...

26 580 Téléchargements

squash 0.0.8

This gem generates scaffold for Squashes - stand-alone Cucumber applications to test we...

26 518 Téléchargements

mappru 0.1.8

Mappru is a tool to manage VPC Route Table.

26 487 Téléchargements

buffered_logger 0.1.3

A thread safe logger with formatting extensions. Based on active_support/buffered_logger.

26 480 Téléchargements

docbook_files 1.0.0

docbook_files lists and checks all files related to a DocBook writing project.

26 369 Téléchargements

app2engine 0.0.5

Ease the conversion of a Rails 3 app in an Engine

26 304 Téléchargements

alt-foreman 0.0.4

Lightweight procfile runner

26 193 Téléchargements

repol 0.1.3

Repol is a tool to manage ECR Repository Policy.

25 771 Téléchargements

texas 0.1.8

A tool for creating LaTex files from ERb templates and processing them into PDF format.

24 705 Téléchargements

jhc 0.0.6

generate modern html scaffold

24 023 Téléchargements

tf_uploader 0.0.8

A ruby command line interface for uploading large numbers of tombs to TombFinder

23 993 Téléchargements

comatose-rubyisbeautiful 3.0.5

Web Content Management in Rails 3.

23 786 Téléchargements

syndi 0.1.3

An elegant, modern, multithreaded, event-driven, modular chat bot designed upon a m...

23 698 Téléchargements

syndi 0.1.3

An elegant, modern, multithreaded, event-driven, modular chat bot designed upon a m...

23 698 Téléchargements

hutils 0.3.3

A collection of command line utilities for working with logfmt.

23 674 Téléchargements

rack-colorized_logger 1.0.4

simple logger that outputs params, session, and cookies in fancy colors.

23 428 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 70 559 423

Pour cette version 37 454



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
