RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour standardrb Latest version of the following gems require standardrb

rake-ui 0.1.0

This gem creates a Web Interface for interacting with Rake tasks.

16 097 Téléchargements

mac_generators 0.3.1

Includes 3 generators, the first two are to create a Rails authentication. The last one...

15 206 Téléchargements

turbo_reflex 0.0.31

TurboReflex extends Turbo Frames and adds support for client triggered reflexes (think ...

14 893 Téléchargements

abebooks 2.0.1

A Ruby wrapper to the Abebooks SWS API

13 085 Téléchargements

all_futures 1.0.3

A Redis-backed virtual ActiveModel, full of possibilities.

12 149 Téléchargements

turbo_boost-elements 0.1.0

Pre-built easy to use reactive TurboBoost elements for Rails/Hotwire apps.

11 500 Téléchargements

mrujs_rails 0.0.6

A rails plugin for mrujs to make Turbolinks work.

11 342 Téléchargements

polysearch 0.2.4

Simplified polymorphic full text + similarity search based on postgres

10 302 Téléchargements

enumerator-auto_forced_lazy 0.1.1

Provides an AutoForcedLazy class that automatically forces the computation of an Enumer...

10 060 Téléchargements

guessmail 0.3.0

Find anyone's email address

9 550 Téléchargements

simple_analytics_rails 0.3.1

Add the Simple Analytics JavaScript Script to your Rails app

8 932 Téléchargements

master-crypt 0.0.5

Allows for encrypting a single piece of data with multiple keys which can each be used ...

7 509 Téléchargements

mmozjpeg 0.3.0

Wrapper library for mozjpeg

6 538 Téléchargements

administrate-field-aasm 0.1.3

Custom Administrate Field for AASM gem.

6 512 Téléchargements

lockless 0.2.2

Allows for safe concurrent updates to a single record without the need for locks.

6 171 Téléchargements

pocket-ruby-andyw8 0.1.0

A Ruby wrapper for the Pocket API v3 (Add, Modify and Retrieve)

5 575 Téléchargements

deferred_request 1.0.4

A simple library to defer http requests until you can actually process them. (Think web...

5 152 Téléchargements

mpngquant 0.2.0

Wrapper library for pngquant.

4 896 Téléchargements

reflex_behaviors 0.0.10

Pre-built easy to use reactive TurboReflex behaviors for Rails/Hotwire apps.

4 837 Téléchargements

slack_sign_in 0.1.0

Sign in (or up) with Slack for Rails applications

4 349 Téléchargements

nvar 0.3.0

Manage environment variables in Ruby

4 185 Téléchargements

geo_rb 0.0.2

geo_rb makes it easy for Ruby developers to locate the coordinates of addresses, cities...

3 973 Téléchargements

render_later 0.1.1

Render sections of the page asynchronously after initial page load.

3 841 Téléchargements

harmoniser 0.8.1

A declarative approach to communication with RabbitMQ that simplifies the integration o...

2 367 Téléchargements

containers 0.1.3

Manage local development environments with Docker

2 176 Téléchargements

polutan 1.0.2

A Redis-backed virtual ActiveModel, full of possibilities.

2 124 Téléchargements

cache_if_slow 0.0.2

Auto cache slow requests or blocks of code.

1 998 Téléchargements

redis_ui_rails 1.2.0

A drop-in Rails UI for Redis.

1 819 Téléchargements

digital_cable 0.0.1

Out-of-Band Server Triggered DOM Operations

1 741 Téléchargements

trix_embed 0.0.5

Take control over what external links and embedded media is permitted in the Trix edito...

1 679 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 916 206

Pour cette version 608 354



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
