RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para standardrb La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren standardrb

puppet-lint-global_definition-check 0.5.0

Extends puppet-lint to ensure that your manifests have no global resources.

1.661 Descargas

vite_rb 0.0.1.alpha1

Rails integration of Vite

1.659 Descargas

sunnycarcharger-agent 1.1.1

Run agent within home network to get solar invertor data and upload to Sunny Car Charger.

1.644 Descargas

snowpacker 0.0.4.alpha1

Rails integration of Snowpack

1.320 Descargas

puppet-lint-nine-check 0.4.0

A pupet-lint to check to ensure you are not using Nine legacy facts like `$::nine_locat...

1.003 Descargas

petri_dish_lab 0.2.0

Petri Dish allows for various configuration options to let users to customize and exper...

755 Descargas

rao-active_collection 0.0.52.pre

Services for Ruby on Rails.

626 Descargas

ghx 0.4.0

An object oriented wrapper around some GitHub API calls that aren't covered by Octokit

593 Descargas

audited-ui 0.1.0

A UI for Audited.

575 Descargas

cable_ready-element 5.0.0

cable-ready custom element

569 Descargas

ali-cli 0.0.2

Composable CLI tool suite

569 Descargas

shiro 0.1.2

Wrapper for the Shiro API

494 Descargas

list_enabled_extensions 0.1.0

This gem provides a command-line tool to list enabled VSCode extensions for a given wor...

423 Descargas

dependaboat 0.4.0

Create GitHub Issues and GitHub Project Items from Dependabot alerts

422 Descargas

process_decl_IVA 0.1.0

Processa o CSV do mapa de reservas exportado da Talkguest e o CSV exportado do e-fatura...

409 Descargas

lexoffice_client 0.0.1

Provides a client for the Lexoffice API.

297 Descargas

lexoffice_client-rails 0.0.1

Provides the integration of the Lexoffice API Client into Rails.

290 Descargas

Total de descargas 913.563

Para esta versión 605.784



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
