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sqlite3-ruby 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sqlite3-ruby

bike 0.2.3

Bike is a web application framework that can make feature-rich apps by HTML files only....

14,753 下載

iaddict-bcms_fckeditor 1.1.5

A module for replacing the default WYSIWIG editor of browsercms with FCKEditor 2.6.3.

14,619 下載

has_seo_fields 0.0.4

Allows to easily add SEO fields for models

14,520 下載

easy_redis 1.0.0

Creates getter and setter methods for redis store.

14,422 下載

regulate 0.1.2

Rails 3 engine that provides a Git backed CMS that allows for an admin to define editab...

14,298 下載


Spree Mail extends Spree by adding a mailing list subscriber model, sign up forms and a...

14,196 下載

seivan-generators 0.5

A collection of useful Rails generator scripts for HTMl 5 boilerplate, useful partials,...

14,150 下載

paperclip-bsm-s3 0.5.0

Custom extensions to Paperclip

13,821 下載

paperclip-removable 0.5.0

Allows removal of previously uploaded files

13,784 下載

attr_readwrite 1.1.0

The opposite of ActiveRecord's attr_readonly.

13,772 下載

sencha-model 0.6.2

This gem auto-generates ExtJS compatible model specifications from your ORM (eg: Active...

13,613 下載

subscribed_to 0.3.2

Abstract layer for managing mailing list subscriptions

13,332 下載

voter_love 0.0.5

The voter_love Gem allows users to easily vote on objects

13,195 下載

imedo-dry_plugin_test_helper 0.0.8

Providing dry standard test environment for Ruby on Rails plugins

13,187 下載

mbailey-paperclip 2.3.3

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

12,647 下載

pipa-monkeyjob 0.1.5

Like Delayed Job on steroids

12,548 下載

keeguon-acts_as_versioned 0.7.4

Add simple versioning to ActiveRecord models.

12,162 下載

apsoto-sitemap_generator 1.1.0

SitemapGenerator is a Rails gem that makes it easy to generate enterprise-class Sitemap...

12,128 下載


File attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord

12,040 下載

acts_as_network 0.1.0

Simplify the definition and storage of "network" relationships, especially useful for s...

11,965 下載

cookie_extractor 0.2.0

Extract cookies from Firefox, Chrome or Chromium sqlite databases into a wget-compatibl...

11,933 下載

hungrynoodle 0.0.3

Library that provides a simple mechanism to find and cache a list of files on your syst...

11,810 下載

jmcnevin-delayed_job 2.0.6

Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

11,804 下載


File attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord

11,682 下載

geothird_vestal_versions 1.2.5

Keep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes

11,490 下載

twilio-test-toolkit2 3.7.1

Better integration tests for apps that use Twilio

11,486 下載

sandyw-active_configuration 1.3.0

ActiveConfiguration is an engine that exposes a generic settings store to ...

11,482 下載

abacus 0.0.1

Abacus is an xdxf parser and semantic toolset for Ruby.

11,469 下載

permalinker 1.0.3

Generate permalink attributes on ActiveRecord, based on Permalink gem by Nando Vieira

11,349 下載

injection 2.0.2

Injection is a simple dependency injection gem for rails3. It allows you to inject obje...

11,309 下載

總下載次數 4,658,709

這個版本 2,658,984


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