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sqlite3-ruby 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sqlite3-ruby

mini_token 1.1.1

Generate simple tokens for short url and other things

18,264 下載

wxrcg 0.3.1

Some basic tools for helping DMs/players run PathfinderRPG games. This project uses tra...

18,238 下載

hashed 0.0.5

Provides `hashed` method to ActiveRecord dataset, that return hash where keys is value ...

18,121 下載

kentaroi-okayu 0.0.9

A comment viewer for

18,030 下載

capitalist-acts-as-importable 1.1.0

Allows you to connect to a second database and systematically transfer those records

17,964 下載

ios_push_notifications 1.0

Nicely documented Push Notification gem for rails 3 applications, has generators for mi...

17,929 下載

acts_as_king 0.0.2

Hierarchical ActiveRecord models. Inspired by acts_as_tree. Trees are shady.

17,898 下載

acts_as_video 0.1.4

Create, Store, and Embed videos from different Oembed host using their url

17,791 下載

smq 0.3.0

A simple database-backed, JSON-based message queue and worker base

17,709 下載

validates_duplicity_of 0.2.1

ActiveRecord callback which handle the name duplication in your model.

17,508 下載

groupy 0.3.1

Categorise Active Records in nested groups with magical scopes, ? methods, and constants.

17,475 下載

delish 1.0.0

Allows use of bookmarksfrom the commandline with minimum keystrokes

17,451 下載

content_blocks 0.3.1

Content blocks are commonly used models representing editable page partials.

17,225 下載

content_blocks 0.3.1

Content blocks are commonly used models representing editable page partials.

17,225 下載

find_by_param 0.2.1

find_by_param is a nice and easy way to handle permalinks and dealing with searching fo...

17,172 下載

pipa-statelogic 0.1.4

Statelogic does kinda this and that... you know.

17,097 下載


A api library for Ruby.

17,087 下載

cursor_pagination 0.0.3

ActiveRecord plugin for cursor based pagination. Uses some column and rpp (results per ...

17,002 下載

pivotable 0.2.0

Great for building APIs & reports

16,824 下載

adhoc-generators 0.0.5

The Ad Hoc Generators of useful Rails scaffold for Portfolio

16,399 下載

globalize3_translator 0.0.5

Globalize3 auto-translator using Google Translate (or any other backend).

16,395 下載

mama_search 0.0.4

Rails 3 generator and rake tasks to install, start and interact with elasticsearch

16,131 下載

looky-lu 0.0.5

looky-lu will generate standard look up data abilities for your rails application

16,026 下載

clean-bitmask-attribute 2.0.3

Simple bitmask attribute support for any class

15,990 下載

canery 0.1.4

A simple but handy key/value store which is able to use a bunch of SQL databases as its...

15,376 下載

backgrounded-resque 2.0.0

Execute any ActiveRecord Model method in the background

15,234 下載

sql_safety_net 2.0.2

Debug SQL statements in ActiveRecord by displaying warnings on bad queries.

15,151 下載

auditrail 0.0.4

Track changes on Active Record models based on ActiveSupport::Callbacks and ActiveModel...

15,068 下載

bento 0.0.3

A Rails account management engine

14,804 下載

active_modularity 1.0.1

ActiveRecord model inheritance support by module.

14,797 下載

總下載次數 4,657,309

這個版本 2,657,658


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