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sqlite3-ruby 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sqlite3-ruby

ROXML 3.0.0

ROXML is a Ruby library designed to make it easier for Ruby developers to work with XML...

5,886 下載


File attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord

5,878 下載

mlightner-zip_codes 0.5.1

A library for looking up zip codes and their associated info.

5,803 下載

nateabbott-nateabbott-friendly_id 2.1.6

A comprehensive slugging and pretty-URL plugin for ActiveRecord.

5,775 下載

today 0.1.0

Easy fetch today's happen from database, array

5,757 下載

arielvalentin-paperclip 2.3.6

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

5,719 下載

brianjlandau-vestal_versions 1.3.0

Keep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes

5,655 下載

twilio-test-toolkit-alt 3.4.2

Better integration tests for apps that use Twilio. This is an alternate version of the ...

5,644 下載

oahu-dragonfly 0.8.2

Dragonfly is a framework that enables on-the-fly processing for any content type. It ...

5,539 下載

earth-ruby19 0.2.3

An earth-simulation environment with ActiveRecord models and data

5,473 下載

paginary 0.0.1.pre2

Simple, view-based pagination for Rails, built on top of Active Record 3 awesomeness.

5,469 下載

human_detector 1.0.0.rc2

HumanDetector is a friendly logic captcha for Rails the doesn't require any external sy...

5,417 下載

delayed_job_sequel 0.0.1

Sequel backend for delayed_job

5,376 下載

data_graph 1.0.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

5,233 下載

compages 0.4.0

Here are the main features/aims of the project: * A pleasant user interface * Drag-n-dr...

5,214 下載

yob-roxml 3.1.6

ROXML is a Ruby library designed to make it easier for Ruby developers to work with XML...

5,200 下載

davidray-paperclip 2.3.3

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

5,198 下載

dmitryv-backup 2.4.0

Backup is a Ruby Gem written for Unix and Ruby on Rails (2 and 3) environments. It can ...

5,180 下載


DelayedJob for use form within a Merb application

5,164 下載

authengine 0.0.2

A rails authentication and authorization engine that reduces clutte...

5,135 下載

dkastner-taps 0.3.11

A simple database agnostic import/export app to transfer data to/from a remote database.

5,125 下載

acts_as_versioned31 0.6.1

Add simple versioning to ActiveRecord models.

5,112 下載

grok-itunes 0.1.2

* A regex based parser that processes the ITunes Music Library.xml file and generates a...

5,079 下載

dnsimple-pdns-provider 0.2.0

SQLite3 backed PowerDNS service provider for DNSimple

5,023 下載

dnsimple-pdns-provider 0.2.0

SQLite3 backed PowerDNS service provider for DNSimple

5,023 下載

engine_room 0.5.0

EngineRoom aims to be a simple to use, unobtrusive admin interface for rails applicatio...

5,017 下載

k3cms_blog 0.1.0

Provides a simple blog

4,980 下載

harker 0.5.3

Harker means Rails deployments via RubyGems--because a package manager is a terrible th...

4,964 下載

is_visitable 0.1.0

Rails: Track unique and total visits/viewings of an ActiveRecord resource based on user...

4,960 下載

auditor_tenancy 2.4.0

Auditor allows you to declaratively specify what CRUD operations should be audited and ...

4,953 下載

總下載次數 4,690,512

這個版本 2,687,608



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