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sqlite3-ruby 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sqlite3-ruby

engine-rea-admin 0.1.0

follow REA model

7,730 下載

engine-rea-admin 0.1.0

follow REA model

7,730 下載

engine-rea-admin 0.1.0

follow REA model

7,730 下載

engine-rea-admin 0.1.0

follow REA model

7,730 下載

engine-rea-admin 0.1.0

follow REA model

7,730 下載

universe-db 0.1.1

gem install universe-db

7,676 下載

resource_inclusion 0.0.2

Resource Inclusion allows one to specify once per controller associated resources to be...

7,600 下載

semantic_antispam 0.1.1

Define questions and answers in a YAML file and validate your models with a single line...

7,590 下載


Easy upload management for ActiveRecord with youtube api integration

7,521 下載

sexy_to_param 0.0.3

methods when using to_param

7,381 下載

aniero-iphone_data 0.1.0

Script to dump data from an iPhone's sync backup files.

7,359 下載

validates_lengths_from_database_tmp 0.1.3

Introspects your database string field maximum lengths and automatically defines length...

7,321 下載

class_cacher 0.0.2

Generates a unique cache key Rails classes

7,301 下載

refined 0.0.2

Refined scopes ActiveRecord collections automagicaly.

7,289 下載

freemium 0.0.2

Subscription Saas

7,083 下載

scope_counter 0.2.0

Simple implementation of counter_cache functionality for model scopes

7,054 下載

aleksi-after_commit 1.0.8

A Ruby on Rails plugin to add an after_commit callback. This can be used to trigger met...

7,040 下載

forem 0.0.1

The best Rails 3 forum engine in the world.

6,981 下載

rollbacker 1.0.1

Rollbacker allows you to declaratively specify what CRUD operations should be audited. ...

6,857 下載


File attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord

6,787 下載

acts_as_versioned_streamsend 0.6.1

The original gem's source on github had updates that were not available in the publishe...

6,397 下載

stateful_jobs 0.0.2

StatefulJobs is a Resque based library which allows you to integrate responsive backgro...

6,388 下載

sqlite_object_store 0.2

Use sqlite3 databases like a hash

6,340 下載

admin_fu 0.1.0

Provides a basic administration interface for Rails3 applications

6,318 下載

magic-paperclip 0.0.1

Adds better (a.k.a magic) file type detection support into Thoughtbot's Paperclip

6,292 下載

ee_arturo 1.3.5

Enphase specific fork. Deploy features incrementally to your users

6,125 下載


File attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord

6,108 下載

hsume2-mapped-record 0.0.2

Auto-magically map Hash[keys] to ActiveRecord.attributes

5,988 下載

hz_on_fly 0.0.1

convert hankaku to zenkaku/zenkaku to hankaku on fly

5,981 下載

backup-wakiki 2.4.1

Backup is a Ruby Gem written for Unix and Rails environments. It can be used both with ...

5,974 下載

總下載次數 4,690,496

這個版本 2,687,602



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