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Reverse dependencies for spreadsheet Latest version of the following gems require spreadsheet

itools 1.2.0

iOS dev tools

51,412 下載

ld 0.4.5

For the sake of efficiency, The Module is my name abbreviations LD, Basically has the f...

49,890 下載

arii 1.8

ARiiP: integrate everything. Automated real-time integration & interoperability pla...

44,880 下載

slapshot 0.0.18

This is a command line interface to the Appshot API. I allows you to search your Appsho...

43,976 下載

garden 0.0.2

Allows you to organize your seeds in different formats. Typical seeds.rb, yaml fixtures...

43,230 下載

data_list_converter 0.6.1

Data List Converter is a tool to convert data between different formats.

40,701 下載

chart-candy 0.1.7

Chart Candy use D3.js library to quickly render AJAX charts in your Rails project. In a...

39,905 下載

sheets 1.2.1

Work with spreadsheets easily in a native ruby format.

39,364 下載

opentox-ruby 4.0.0

Ruby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (

39,123 下載

table_importer 0.2.5

Given a file (or a string) containing a container, along with options, it will return a...

39,019 下載

mymatrix 0.1.8

mymatrix is a handling library for MS Excel and csv/tsv text.

37,002 下載

bookie_accounting 2.0.1

A simple system to consolidate and analyze process accounting records

36,502 下載

catalogos_sat 0.0.992

Utilerias para generar JSONS de los catalogos del SAT en Mexico. Descarga el archivo .x...

35,704 下載

movies_client 0.0.15

Small client that gathers data about movies using an input spreadsheet and the TMDB API

35,311 下載

rails-importer 0.0.12

Rails Importer (CSV, XLS, XML)

34,772 下載

super_tools 3.0.1

Rails 開發環境常用工具 Forms/Process/Spreadsheet

34,301 下載

importable 0.0.10

An engine for importing spreadsheets (or `ActiveResources`) into a Rails app, easily.

33,948 下載

acts_as_xls 1.0.5

Extend Rails capabilities of importing and exporting excel files thanks to Spreadsheet gem

33,617 下載

stool 0.2.23


33,331 下載


many cool behaviors for Activerecord like ActiveDisable, Hash.keys_to_sym and more

32,702 下載

simple_text_extract 3.0.5

Extract text from various file types before resorting to an OCR solution.

28,995 下載

swissmedic-diff 0.2.8

Compares two Excel Documents provided by Swissmedic and displays the salient differences

28,589 下載

hmcgowan-roo 1.3.9

roo can access the contents of OpenOffice-, Excel- or Google-Spreadsheets

27,698 下載

rggen-spreadsheet-loader 0.25.2

Spreadsheet loader for RgGen register map.

26,659 下載

hqmf-parser 1.1.0

A library for parsing HQMF XML files.

26,080 下載

japan_etc 0.14.0

Japan ETC (Electronic Toll Collection System) database

26,033 下載

excel-esv 3.0.1

Excel parsing and generation with the ease of CSV.

25,613 下載

time-sheet 0.14.1

a time tracking solution based on spreadsheets

24,601 下載

importeer_plan 0.3.0

only purpose is provide some reusable defaults for processing my (.xls-, .csv-, .txt)files

22,430 下載


Use HeyDan to download, munge and manage data for jurisdictions

22,309 下載

總下載次數 52,414,707

這個版本 963,521



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
