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solidus_core 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 solidus_core

solidus_marketplace 0.1.0

Adds marketplace functionality to Solidus stores.

5,213 下載

solidus_gateway_checkout_v2 1.0.2

Checkout V2 Payment Gateway for Solidus

4,872 下載

solidus_events_tracker 2.1.1

Tracks user activity and events on the server side. Use Solidus Admin Insights to build...

4,789 下載

solidus_bank_transfer 0.1.0

Bank Transfer

4,724 下載

solidus_reserved_stock 0.0.2

Allow stock to be reserved for a given user, so it can't be purchased by other users. W...

4,510 下載

solidus_shipstation 1.1.0

A Solidus extension for integrating the ShipStation API.

4,379 下載

solidus_recommendations 0.0.2

Recommendations for Solidus using Elasticsearch significant terms aggregation

4,351 下載

solidus_product_bundle 1.0.1

Adds oportunity to make bundle of products to your Spree store

4,193 下載

solidus_favorite_products 2.1.1

This extension adds the following features: 1. Adds a link Mark as favorite on product ...

4,189 下載

solidus_admin_insights 2.1.1

Add (optional) gem description here

4,171 下載

solidus_extension_dev_tools 0.1.1

Development tools for Solidus extensions.

4,051 下載

solidus_conekta 1.1.1

Soldius Engine for Conekta Mexican Payment gateway

3,932 下載

solidus_drip 0.1.0

Solidus integration for Drip

3,916 下載

solidus_friendly_promotions 1.9.3

Experimental replacement for the promotion system in Solidus

3,768 下載

solidus_tax_cloud 1.0.0

Solidus extension providing Tax Cloud services

3,691 下載

solidus_datashift 0.1.0

Allow import/export products to solidus through datashift

3,684 下載

solidus_admin_bar 3.0.2

Quick admin actions for Solidus frontend.

3,590 下載

solidus_afterpay 0.3.0

Solidus extension for using Afterpay in your store.

3,538 下載

solidus_invoice 0.1.1

generate invoice documents for solidus orders

3,419 下載

solidus_configurable_kits 0.1.1

Configurable Kits for Solidus. A kit is a product comprised of other products.

3,196 下載

solidus_image_multi_upload 0.1.0

Allow Solidus to upload multiple product images at the same time.

3,155 下載

solidus_taxon_group 1.0.1

Solidus extension to create and manage groups of taxons

3,023 下載

solidus_user_roles 2.0.1

Advanced user roles for Solidus.

3,022 下載

solidus_product_description_editor 1.0.1

Adds a WYSIWYG editor to the product description field in admin

2,874 下載

solidus_newsletter 1.1

Adds a newsletter form to the homepage

2,797 下載

solidus_cloudinary 0.0.6

Spree extension to use carrierwave/cloudinary instead of paperclip.

2,751 下載

solidus_contact_us 1.0.0

Reworked the contact_us gem to add a basic contact us form to Spree.

2,614 下載

solidus_payment_method_by_zone 1.0.0

Solidus extension to allow payment methods to be restricted by zones

2,603 下載

solidus_prismic 0.0.1

Solidus Client for communicating with

2,524 下載

solidus_shipwire 1.0.0

This extension provide the ability to connect in a easy way your store and shipwire thr...

2,520 下載

總下載次數 3,193,799

這個版本 566




Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.1.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 1.8.23
