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Dependencias inversas para slack-notifier La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren slack-notifier

slactionmailer 0.0.3

Want to send the emails generated by your Ruby on Rails application to a Slack channel?...

7.879 Descargas

slack-cap 0.2.0

Capistrano plugin to enable notifications to Slack

7.711 Descargas

foreman_slack 0.0.3

Sends events (like host built) from Foreman to Slack.

7.551 Descargas

slack_mb_roamer 0.1.2

to-do: Write a longer description or delete this line.

5.754 Descargas

slack-mail 0.0.4

ActionMailer inspired Slack message objects.

5.501 Descargas

prpr-slack 0.1.1

Publish prpr message to slack.

5.450 Descargas

github_to_slack 0.1.2

RailsEngine to manage slack notifications from GitHub

5.357 Descargas

action_notifier 0.1.0

An abstract layer for Rails app to send notifications.

5.156 Descargas

kitt 1.0.1

KITT is an experimental Ruby engine for handling Slack commands.

5.101 Descargas

exception_notification_more_info 1.0.1

Exception notification for Rails apps(+ More Info!)

4.959 Descargas

ping-my-site 1.0

A simple CLI Pingdom-like written in ruby. Check your site's HTTP status code and notif...

4.736 Descargas

devise_slack_notifiable 0.2.1

Devise slack notifications gem

4.355 Descargas

actionslack 0.1.2


4.332 Descargas

activemessenger 0.0.1

The wrapper of messaging application.

3.841 Descargas

bystander 1.0.0

Log your application flow without any ugly loggers

3.837 Descargas

ombu_labs-notifications 0.1.3

Knows how to send a new contact email, new contact Slack notification

3.741 Descargas

capistrano-slack-notifier 0.0.1

Notify capistrano deploy in slack channels.

3.729 Descargas

rtbackup 0.1.22

For taking backups of servers.

3.637 Descargas

pr-notifier 0.2.0

notify GitHub PR in slack

3.622 Descargas

wechselkurse 0.1.0

Wechselkurse is a Ruby wrapper and CLI for some APIs of currency exchange rates.

3.326 Descargas

spinach-slack-reportable 0.0.1

Reporter and module for Spinach that sends message to Slack

3.081 Descargas

eb-docker-deployer 1.4.1

deploy with docker and aws eb

2.994 Descargas

webhookdb 1.3.1

Replicate any API to your database with WebhookDB. WebhookDB handles webhooks and inte...

2.630 Descargas

slackbot-rails 0.0.2

Gem for notifying slack about the creation and updation of ActiveRecord models.

2.385 Descargas

better-patches 2.4.1

A simple gem for one off tasks for example database patches

2.224 Descargas

resque_slack_notifier 0.1.0

Resque::Failure back-end which sends a Slack message whenever a Resque worker fails.

2.117 Descargas

smartnotify2 0.4.0

Utility for sending various types of notifications via a common configurable interface.

2.107 Descargas

rollout-redis 1.1.0

Fast and easy feature flags based on the latest Redis versions.

1.760 Descargas

slack_notifiee 0.1.0

SlackNotifiee is a gem that allows you to access the notifications from slack-notifier ...

1.232 Descargas

Total de descargas 103.201.723

Para esta versión 27.834.117



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
