RubyGems Navigation menu

simplecov-console 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 simplecov-console

spanmanager 0.3.0

Current span managemt for OpenTracing

9,193 下载

freckle_io 1.0.0

Yet another Ruby client for the Freckle API

8,905 下载

token-endpoint 0.1.4

Deprecated in favor of indieweb-endpoints from 2019-04-24. Discover a URL’s token endpo...

8,804 下载

chef-gen-flavor-base 0.9.2

chef-gen-flavor-base is a base class to make it easy to create 'flavors' for use with [...

8,263 下载

rake-protect 2.0.1

When some gems are unavailable in an environment, for example on a production server, r...

8,151 下载

BnmAPI 0.2.0

Wrapper around BNM open API

8,114 下载

subconv 1.0.1

Subtitle conversion (SCC to WebVTT)

8,044 下载

orias 0.4.1

Easily access any data available from the Orias API.

8,000 下载

ip_contact_finder 1.0.1

A Ruby library to resolve IP addresses and AS numbers to responsible email addressses

7,928 下载

affiliate_window_etl 0.0.3

An ETL for retrieving records from the Affiliate Window APIand loading them into a Post...

7,684 下载

stash-merritt 0.2.0

Packaging and SWORD deposit module for submitting Stash datasets to Merritt

7,547 下载


GitLab Janitor is a tool to automatically manage stalled containers when using Docker.

7,534 下载

portable-writers-spreadsheet 1.0.1

Portable is a virtual document object modeling library that only contains basic writers...

7,496 下载

is2-aws-ssm-env 0.1.4

Set parameters acquired from AWS EC2 Parameter Store as environment variables.

7,437 下载

rack-params 0.0.1.pre6

Rack parameter validation and type coercion.

7,400 下载

redirect-uri 0.2.1

Deprecated in favor of indieweb-endpoints from 2019-04-24. Discover a URL’s registered ...

7,197 下载

rubygems_downloads 0.1.3

View statistics about gem downloads from

7,079 下载

tuga 0.6.1

A Portuguese script programming language meant for educational purposes.

7,035 下载

marble_api_client 1.1.0

This library exists to simplify requests made to Marble Service Model (Still in progres...

7,017 下载

activestorage-openstack-shamox 0.7.0

Wraps the OpenStack Swift/Storage service as an Active Storage service

7,016 下载

ct-register-microservice 1.4.0

This gem allows your Rails-built microservice to register itself on Control Tower

6,991 下载

trello_client_lite 2.1.0

Light touch client gem for the trello API, current work in progress. Designed for perso...

6,860 下载

layeredyamlconfig 1.4.4

LayeredYAMLConfig provides a simple config file that supports multiple layers. Values ...

6,609 下载

aws-metadata-export 0.2.0

Exports AWS EC2 Instance metadata and tags to files

6,571 下载

bootstrap-cells 0.1.7

Cells for common Bootstrap components.

6,476 下载

marked-conductor 1.0.38

Conductor allows easy configuration of multiple scriptswhich are run as custom pre/proc...

6,442 下载

eventmachinealignedperiodic 2.1.2

EventMachineAlignedPeriodic helps to kick off a block of code on a periodic schedule al...

6,132 下载

tapirgo 0.1.2

A simple Ruby library for the Tapir API

5,991 下载

hostsfile 0.0.2

code from the hostsfile cookbook to allow reusability

5,979 下载

fixerio_client 0.2.0

Get latest or historic currency rates for base EUR from

5,889 下载

下载总量 7,760,598

这个版本 57,206




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
