RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para simplecov-console La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren simplecov-console

cmor_system 0.0.60.pre

Cmor System Module.

23.111 Descargas

calendario 0.3.0

A cal-like calendar

23.046 Descargas


AMQP interaction classes for BBK stack

22.615 Descargas

hash_math 1.2.0

This library offers general purpose higher-level data structures that focus on Hash man...

22.119 Descargas

cmor_legal_frontend 0.0.60.pre

Cmor::Legal::Frontend Module.

22.065 Descargas

proforma 1.0.2

Provide a simple, configurable, and standardized document generation object model. ...

20.666 Descargas

bittrex-enterprise 0.9

Ruby implementation of the Bittrex v3 API

20.413 Descargas

ae_easy 0.0.6

AnswersEngine Easy toolkit module collection.

20.257 Descargas

puppet-module-win-dev-r2.7 1.1.1

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

19.942 Descargas

sidekiq_autoscale 0.5.0

A simple gem to handle Sidekiq autoscaling.

19.611 Descargas

hashcraft 1.0.0

Provides a DSL for implementing classes which can then be consumed to create pre-define...

19.221 Descargas

easycov 0.4.0

An easy to use, simplecov-compatibile code coverage library for Ruby

19.189 Descargas

stringento 2.1.0

At its core, it can take a templated string (such as: '{last_name}, {first_name} {middl...

19.018 Descargas

osbourne 1.2.1

This is a simple implementation of the fan-out pubsub pattern for Rails, using SQS & SN...

18.692 Descargas

mobius-client 0.7.1

Mobius Ruby Client

18.617 Descargas

creatable 2.3.1

Mixin adds create, and attribute methods. Use these instead of attr_ and the #create m...

18.581 Descargas

actionmailer-markdown 0.4.3

A different take on using ActionMailer, Markdown and I18n.

18.540 Descargas

proforma-extended-evaluator 1.1.0

Proforma comes with basic object value resolution and no text templating. This libr...

18.515 Descargas

paged_groups 2.1.0

This library helps you page grouped-data when the grouped data can have different sizes...

17.851 Descargas

rspec_contracts 0.2.0

Use your OpenAPI3 schema to automatically perform contract testing while you write requ...

17.579 Descargas

objectable 1.0.0

Unified get/set interface for disparate objects

17.569 Descargas

tree_branch 1.1.1

This library allows you to input a tree structure (node with children), a context, and ...

17.482 Descargas


Use custom encrypted cookie for Warden instead of rack:session

17.082 Descargas

hashematics 1.1.0

Hashematics is a configuration-based object graphing tool which can turn a flat, single...

17.028 Descargas

airspace 1.0.1

This library provides a very simple interface for storing/fetching/paging datasets in R...

16.779 Descargas

rails-tracer 0.5.0

Rack OpenTracing middleware enhanced for Rails

16.641 Descargas

seojs 0.0.9

SEO.js makes your BackboneJS, AngularJS or EmberJS apps crawlable by Google to make the...

16.593 Descargas

webmention-endpoint 2.0.3

Deprecated in favor of indieweb-endpoints from 2019-04-25. Discover a URL’s Webmention ...

16.463 Descargas

dogtrainer 0.4.2

DEPRECATED - Provides a slightly opinionated wrapper class around DataDog's dogapi to ...

16.312 Descargas

whatsapp 1.0.0

A Ruby interface to WhatsApp Enterprise API.

16.305 Descargas

Total de descargas 7.350.497

Para esta versión 3.165.737



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
