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shoulda-context 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 shoulda-context

rails_react_stdio 0.1.0

Use react-stdio in your Ruby on Rails app.

4,109 下载

Kensei 0.0.2

Rubygem backend for Kensei, the Emacs mail major mode

4,102 下载

swf-guess 1.0.0

swfu gem for guess

4,060 下载

dumblog-chef 0.3.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

4,059 下载

oauth_doorman 0.1.0

composes authentification url, gets google acces_token of user account and gets access ...

4,034 下载

mass_assignable 1.0.0

Add Rails-like mass assignment to any Ruby object

3,920 下载

phony_attribute 0.0.1

ActiveModel field serializer for handling phone numbers via Phony gem

3,897 下载

single_file 0.1.0

Run a block of code only if a system level file lock can be obtained for a given filepath.

3,819 下载

elasticsearch-rails-origin 7.2.6

Ruby on Rails integrations for Elasticsearch.

3,691 下载

riak-yz-query 0.0.1

Arel-style queries for Riak Yokozuna

3,640 下载

redis_attr 0.0.1

Ruby model attributes backed by redis

3,585 下载

url_attribute 0.0.1

ActiveModel field serializer for url fields

3,580 下载

serial_attr 0.0.1

Finer control over which attributes of a model to serialize

3,521 下载

geoblacklight_admin 0.5.1

Administrative UI for GeoBlacklight. Built on Kithe.

3,473 下载

recurso 0.6.1

Easy cascading permissions

3,428 下载

elasticsearch-transport-pixlee 1.0.13

Ruby client for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.

3,339 下载

elasticsearch-transport-sinneduy 1.0.12

Ruby client for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.

3,336 下载

elasticsearch-sinneduy 1.0.13

Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch (client, API, etc.)

3,304 下载

elasticsearch-persistence-queryable 0.1.9

Persistence layer for Ruby models and Elasticsearch.

3,232 下载

elasticsearch-model-queryable 0.1.9

ActiveModel/Record integrations for Elasticsearch.

3,196 下载

airbrakeV4rails5 4.3.8

Send your application errors to our hosted service and reclaim your inbox.

3,152 下载

midi-communications 0.5.4

Access MIDI devices for MacOS, Linux (wip), Windows (wip) and JRuby (wip).

3,128 下载

org2slides 0.2.0

Turn orgfiles into Reveal.js presentations

3,115 下载

midi-events 0.5.1

MIDI Events is a library for creating MIDI Event Messages that can be sent to MIDI Inst...

2,875 下载

midi-parser 0.3.1

MIDI Parser is a library for parsing MIDI Event Messages received from any MIDI device ...

2,865 下载

active-record-query-count 0.1.4

Display an overview of the quantity of queries being made and their origins in a block ...

2,582 下载

reading 0.9.1

Parses a CSV reading log.

2,446 下载

minidbc 0.1.0

This is a simple dbc library for ruby. It emploies alias_method to redefine method, hen...

2,252 下载

doc2json 1.0.0.pre.alpha.1

Generate JSON based Ruby documentations with yard

2,215 下载

boatload 0.1.0

A library for processing batches of work asynchronously

1,980 下载

下载总量 33,526,818

这个版本 16,954,287




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
