RubyGems Navigation menu

shoulda-context 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 shoulda-context

vtd_xml 0.0.7

I like VTD-XML so I use this instead of standard XML parsers

7,758 下载

hivonic 0.3.0

Hivonic provides utilities for dealing with temporary hive tables

7,717 下载

libelule 0.0.2

Syncing files over ftp/sftp

7,553 下载

export_to 1.1.0

Export activerecord easiest way (csv, xls, xlsx)

7,371 下载

sinatra-redis-auth 0.1.1

Sinatra authentification with saving user data to redis

7,164 下载

periodic 1.2.4

Natural language parser and output formating for durations in Ruby

7,107 下载

fix-trinity-output 1.0.0

See readme

7,084 下载

dooly 0.1.1

Some helpful feature for rails

7,028 下载

africas_talking 0.0.2

Africa's Talking ruby API wrapper.

6,636 下载

jekyll-swfobject 1.0.1

Liquid plugin for using SWFObject with Jekyll

6,600 下载

runtest 0.0.2

A singleton test runner for Minitest

6,383 下载

email_attribute 0.0.2

ActiveModel field serializer for handling email addresses via Mail gem

6,376 下载

png_stitcher 0.1.2

Stitches an array of PNG blogs into one

5,979 下载

coolsms-rb 0.2.0

CoolSMS Ruby Client. under construction...

5,538 下载

synonymous 0.3.0

A client for

5,481 下载

axtro-aws-ses 0.4.4

Client library for Amazon's Simple Email Service's REST API

5,424 下载

lambit 0.0.2

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

5,254 下载

tagmemics 0.0.2

The English language is extremely complicated. We have words that can have multiple ...

5,191 下载

Gitspotter 0.0.1

Visualize git log/graph in html

5,182 下载

boston_marathon 0.0.1

Ruby wrapper for race results from the 2011 Boston Marathon

5,067 下载

cambridge 0.0.1

A stack-based language to demo

4,916 下载

obeya 0.2.0

Wrapper for the Obeya API

4,814 下载

easy_elo 0.1.1

Gem for easily implementing the Elo Algorith.

4,788 下载

midi-communications-macos 0.5.4

Access the Apple Core MIDI framework API with Ruby.

4,349 下载

hanover 0.0.1

A Riak-based CRDT implementation of sets and counters.

4,283 下载

ksr-maybe 0.1.1

A library providing the optional type 'Maybe'

4,280 下载

assemblotron 0.0.2

automatically produce *optimal* assemblies from DNA/RNA sequencing reads

4,184 下载

yandex-api-direct 0.0.1

Use JSON api on Yandex api side and automatically manages access token refresh

4,179 下载

hayfork 1.1.0

Hayfork generates triggers to maintain a Haystack of all searchable fields that Postgre...

4,166 下载

twiki2markdown 0.1.0

This gem handles the migration and commit of a TWiki project to a github wiki, uses jav...

4,144 下载

下载总量 33,526,366

这个版本 16,953,846




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
