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shoulda-context 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 shoulda-context

gimme_poc 1.1.0

Gimme POC (Point of Contact) simplifies the process of extracting the common 'contact u...

15,698 下载

open_xml_package 0.1.0

A Ruby implementation of OpenXmlPackage

15,107 下载

auto_validate 0.0.4

This gem looks at the schema for any validations that it can easily apply based on know...

14,037 下载

taipo 1.5.0

Taipo provides a simple way to check your variables are what you think they are. With a...

13,313 下载

goma 0.0.1.rc3

An authentication solution for Rails 4

13,304 下载

rrd-ruby 1.0.1

Native RRD file reader

12,941 下载

mvlc 0.0.7

Control VLC Media Player with MIDI

12,624 下载

cimis-ruby 0.2.0

A Ruby wrapper for the CIMIS data API

12,589 下载


QuickSync gem description 1

12,489 下载

orgmode-cli-tools 0.4.0

CLI convenience tools for Org Mode files

12,099 下载

biostars-api 0.1.4

Gem wrapping public API

11,805 下载

wobapphelpers 4.2.0

Rails helpers and more shared between wob's rails applications

11,687 下载

aws-ses-rails31 0.4.4

Client library for Amazon's Simple Email Service's REST API

10,883 下载

nis-ffi 0.2.3

Library for NIS (YP) queries using the libnsl library of libc through ruby-ffi.

10,811 下载

urbane 0.2.0

Read google spreadsheet and generate translation files out of it

10,158 下载

galetahub-copyscape 0.1.0

Simple and easy way to use Copyscape API from Ruby

9,673 下载

xendit_api 0.3.0

Just simple and easy to use wrapper for Xendit API in ruby

9,488 下载

phoenix_pubsub 0.2.0

Publish messages to Phoenix channels from Ruby

9,379 下载

expect-behaviors 0.1.5

Ruby Mixin to add Expect Behaviors to SSH/Serial/Telnet controllers

9,325 下载

handsome_fencer-test 0.2.2

Opinionated Rails testing suite. Specifies necessary gems as dependencies and allow...

9,301 下载

buddies_avatar 0.0.2

Part of the 'buddies' gem that aims to bring some common social features to a rails sit...

9,141 下载

gitspotter 0.0.3

Visualize git log/graph in html

9,139 下载

redis_failover-rails 0.2.0

An ActiveSupport::Cache store using redis_failover (a zookeeper based implementation of...

8,999 下载

warehouse_items 1.0.0

warehouse_items wrapper & value objects

8,974 下载

gsm-sources-manager 1.0.0.beta2

GSM is a simple sources manager for RubyGems.

8,484 下载

geo_tools 1.1.0

Makes using latitudes and longitudes on forms easier.

8,478 下载

spreadsheet_agent 0.0.3

SpreadsheetAgent is a framework for creating distributed pipelines across many differen...

8,408 下载

fb_utils 0.0.2

Get Facebook comments and save these in txt, csv file.

8,159 下载

xtify 0.0.2

Client library for Xtify's API

8,147 下载

pandora-frameworks 0.1.3

Tool for automating frameworks creation & integration

7,895 下载

下载总量 33,525,446

这个版本 16,952,931




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
