RubyGems Navigation menu

shoulda-context 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 shoulda-context

convenient_service 0.19.1

Yet another approach to revisit the service object pattern in Ruby, but this time focus...

26,000 下载

scorm2004-manifest 1.2.1

scorm2004-manifest is a Ruby gem that provides a manifest file parser for SCORM 2004 4t...

24,542 下载

caravan 1.0.0

Caravan is a simple file watcher and deployer of project files for local development.

23,800 下载

wobauth 6.0.1

Rails engine providing MVCs for User, Group, Role, Membership and Authority

23,793 下载

inteltech_sms 1.1.2

Ruby gem that provides an InteltechSms class to check credit and send SMS text messages...

23,035 下载

telekinesis 3.2.1

High level clients for Amazon Kinesis

22,849 下载

bypass 0.0.8

Mutate URLs and hyperlinks in HTML and plain text documents

22,748 下载

neweden 0.1.6

Ruby library for accessing Eve Online API

22,503 下载

linkety 0.1.0

A collection of handy link helpers for Rails views

22,270 下载

atheme-ruby 0.0.6

Provides a ruby interface for Atheme's XMLRPC API

22,012 下载

logeater 0.4.0

Parses log files and imports them into a database

20,856 下载

elasticsearch-model-globalize 0.0.3

A library for using elasticsearch-model with globalize

20,843 下载

menu_maker 0.3.0

Flexible solution to build any kind of menu in any Ruby framework. Currently the best i...

20,631 下载

set_builder 1.1.0

A gem for describing constraints on data sets

20,549 下载

analog 0.4.2

Scale a number from one range or set to another

20,281 下载

midi-instrument 0.4.8

Core MIDI instrument functionality in Ruby

20,073 下载

transfuse 0.5.0

See summary

19,657 下载

selwet 1.0.5

["Gem for creating web tests based on Selenium"]

19,601 下载

bettersam 0.2.0

Extended SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) file parsing

19,137 下载

easy_log4r 0.1.0

Quick, simple, easy logging with log4r that can easily be toggled

18,501 下载

patch 0.4.18

Universally patch controller messages such as MIDI and OSC between devices

18,370 下载

midi-fx 0.4.2

Process MIDI messages in Ruby

18,361 下载

cache_replace 0.1.3

Rails rendering extension for more server-side html caching

17,842 下载

solver 0.2.1

This numeric solver is an example of the use of Flt.

17,482 下载

keyvaluetree 0.0.7

Storing hierarchical data in plain KeyValueStores

17,261 下载

rcache 0.0.7

ActiveRecord redis query cache

17,210 下载

bitcoiner 0.2.1

Automate your Bitcoin transactions with this Ruby interface to the bitcoind JSON-RPC API.

17,130 下载

email-validator 0.2.3

ActiveRecord validator to validate that email attribute contains valid email

16,894 下载

audio-playback 0.0.8

Play audio files at the command line or using Ruby

16,749 下载

filthy 2.0.1

Check if an attribute was changed after the last save.

16,401 下载

下载总量 33,524,610

这个版本 16,952,096




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
