RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para savon La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren savon

loyalty_lab_sdk 0.0.3

Full documentation of the API is at

15.103 Descargas

kaseyaws 0.0.6

A Ruby Gem for Kaseya's VSA web service

15.006 Descargas

rms_api_ruby 0.5.2

A Ruby client for RMS(Rakuten Marchant Service) WEB API

14.920 Descargas

zimbreasy 0.0.5

A no-nonsense gem for the nonsensical Zimbra API.

14.803 Descargas

faction 1.0.4

A simple Savon-based client for Atlassian Crowd SOAP API

14.797 Descargas

vindicia-api 0.1.0

A wrapper for creating queries to the Vindicia CashBox API

14.787 Descargas

zuora-client 1.0.2

A client for Zuora

14.734 Descargas

centralpos 0.2.7

Ruby wrapper for the CentralPos WebService

14.554 Descargas

lexis_nexis_instant_authenticate 0.3.2

Ruby interface for using LexisNexis Instant Authenticate.

14.417 Descargas

symgate 0.4.1

Wrapper around Widgit's Symgate SOAP symboliser

14.216 Descargas

docdata-order 2.2.0

Ruby client for the Docdata Order API

14.033 Descargas

powa_api 0.1.9

Implementation of the Powa API

13.837 Descargas

identity_linker 1.0.1

Ruby library for accessing Cru's Identity Linking system

13.704 Descargas

gopay 0.2.1

GoPay is a library making it easy to access GoPay paygate from Ruby...

13.692 Descargas

soap_adapters_fork 0.1.1

Common interface to soap clients

13.595 Descargas

otis 0.0.71

A Ruby Api wrapper framework

13.423 Descargas

bing-ads-api 0.3

A set of pure RoR classes for the Bing Ads API

13.421 Descargas

rupnp 0.3.0

RUPNP is a Ruby UPnP framework. For now, only control points (clients) are supported. D...

13.403 Descargas

marketo-api-ruby 0.9.2

MarketoAPI (marketo-api-ruby) provides a native Ruby interface to the {Marketo SOAP API...

13.386 Descargas

nexpose_thycotic 0.3.0

This gem allows Nexpose users to pull credentials from Thycotic SecretServer into Nexpose

13.227 Descargas

strikeiron 0.0.4

Ruby gem to handle tax calculation using the Strikeiron API.

13.064 Descargas

poczta_polska 0.1.4

With this gem you can monitor Polish Post parcels and registered mail as well as packag...

13.006 Descargas

cpdundon_cli_app_take3 0.5.0

Scrape wind velocity and water level data from NOAA CO-OPS SOAP web services.

12.826 Descargas

nwmls_client 1.1.0

NwmlsClient Connects to the NWMLS Evernet Service and obtains listing data and images.

12.760 Descargas

periodic_table 0.0.4

Provide data on elements in the periodic table.

12.702 Descargas

gestpay 0.1.0

GestPay services wrapper

12.665 Descargas

ovh_savoni 1.59.0

Super easy access to OVH SoAPI for Ruby >1.9

12.657 Descargas

hacker-gems 0.3

Hacker-gems installs most needed gems for hackers.

12.640 Descargas

maptp-service 0.0.3

This gem provides access to the MapTP web services. In order to use them, you need you...

12.611 Descargas

x_road 0.2.1

Feel free to add producer service classes

12.399 Descargas

Total de descargas 71.902.595

Para esta versión 769.256



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7.0

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
