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savon 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 savon

mailarchiva 1.0.0

A gem to access the Mailarchiva API

36,603 下载

pitcher 0.2.3

CLI utility to work with CONTENTdm's Catcher API

36,446 下载

sonos 0.3.6

Control Sonos speakers with Ruby

36,178 下载

iesde 2.2.2

Esta não é uma versão oficial

36,103 下载

gus_bir1 1.2.0

Rails GUS API library based on official REGON SOAP api.

36,026 下载

connectwise_sdk 0.2.0

This Gem is an SDK for accessing Connectwise

35,979 下载

ec2_ultradns_updater 0.0.10

Update your UltraDNS configured CNAMEs to point to EC2 instance public hostnames

35,045 下载

ruby-d2l 0.4.6

A Ruby SOAP client for accessing Desire2Learn Web Services (D2LWS)

34,560 下载

Birst_Command 0.6.1

Ruby interface to Birst web API

34,485 下载

eloqua 1.2.4

An Eloqua API Wrapper for Ruby

34,347 下载

mavensmate 0.0.9

MavensMate is a Sublime Text package that allows developers to develop Apex a...

33,828 下载

memotoo 2.0.3

Unofficial gem for connecting to with their soap-api and handle your contac...

33,737 下载

memotoo 2.0.3

Unofficial gem for connecting to with their soap-api and handle your contac...

33,737 下载

biro 0.7.1

Biro is a library that standardizes multi-provider brazilian credit bureaus.

33,683 下载

omniva-api 0.0.5

A ruby gem to access Estonian postal service address API

33,235 下载

ultradns_updater 0.0.24

Update your UltraDNS configured A, AAAA, or CNAMEs to point to an instance public hostn...

33,186 下载

nne_client 0.0.11

Client library for the Navne & Numre Erhverv SOAP service

32,856 下载

spree_usa_epay 1.0.2

Payment Method for USA ePay SOAP Webservice

32,619 下载

sysaid 0.3.6

Wrapper for the SysAid SOAP API

32,547 下载

transip 0.4.3

Ruby gem to use the full TransIP API (v5.0).

32,380 下载

americommerce-api 0.0.9

Enables Ruby applications to communicate with the Ebay Trading API.

31,947 下载

billwise4r 0.4.4

Ruby lib for consuming the Billwise SOAP/XML API

31,724 下载

prismpay 0.0.9

Provide an interface to Prismpay web services, and creates an ActiveMerchant wrapper fo...

31,250 下载

imasei 0.2.13

Expõe, através de métodos ruby, as funcionalidades da API do SEI.

31,052 下载

dpd_api 0.1.10

Ruby / Rails wrapper for Dpd's SOAP API

30,929 下载

baby-braspag 0.4.2

baby braspag gem to use Braspag gateway

30,864 下载

five9 0.1.1

Rubygem integration with five9 API

30,783 下载

confluence-soap 0.0.10

ruby client for confluence soap API

30,658 下载

simple_crowd 1.2.1

Simple Atlassian Crowd client using REST and SOAP APIs where needed. Doesn't do any fa...

30,581 下载

gangway 0.0.6

eWay SOAP wrapper

30,315 下载

下载总量 71,583,009

这个版本 693,135



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
