RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para sanitize La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren sanitize

wikimedia-commoner 1.0.0

The missing API for obtaining metadata about Wikimedia Commons images. e.g. who to ackn...

3.310 Descargas

TacTalk 0.1.1


3.252 Descargas

juxtaparssionate 0.0.1

juxtaparssionate parses and compares job postings from various popular job boards. By c...

3.161 Descargas

friendly_markdown 0.1.0

Simple markdown for user input, with auto-link, auto-linebreak, and sanitization.

3.010 Descargas


LINES lets you manage your posts in a clear, consistent frontend. The gracefully slende...

2.924 Descargas

ai-nlp 0.1.0

This gem contains a grouping of ruby tools related to Artificial Intelligence and Aut...

2.675 Descargas

ruboty-teams 0.1.0

Microsoft Teams adapter for Ruboty.

2.663 Descargas

distribution_wrappers 0.2.2

Contains the logic for distributing messages through third-party APIs

2.509 Descargas

softcover-nonstop 1.0.beta2

CLI interface for

2.115 Descargas

decidim-members 0.1.13

This gem is a member list and search plugin for decidim, you can active the gem via sys...

2.054 Descargas

translation_cms 0.1.5

Translation CMS based on WritersCms api v2(t#3)

2.053 Descargas

threddedDANIEL 0.14.5

The best Rails 4.2+ forums engine ever. Its goal is to be as simple and feature rich as...

1.994 Descargas

jay_flavored_markdown 0.1.0

JayFlavoredMarkdown Converter

1.799 Descargas

HTMLSaver 0.0.1

a simple gem to save the content in HTML file

1.573 Descargas

html_creator 0.0.2

A gem what save the content in HTML file

972 Descargas

jekyll-theme-apcsp 1.1.0

This is CS50's theme for Jekyll.

914 Descargas

save_to_html 0.3.0

Save data to HTML

571 Descargas

Total de descargas 85.394.277

Para esta versión 110.967



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0

Versión de Rubygems requerida: >= 1.2.0
