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rubyforge 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubyforge

UCSAPI 0.0.9

A simple ruby interface to the Cisco UCS XMLAPI

14,592 下载

print_json_response 2.0.1

A simple script to grab JSON from a URI and view it in a readable manner. Also, diff th...

14,469 下载

penfold 1.0.3

Penfold is an assistant for screening potentital and tracking current covered call pos...

14,465 下载

seven_segment_display 0.0.5

Converts numbers to seven segment display digits, as in a digital clock, by adding a mo...

14,318 下载


Apache Buildr is a build system for Java-based applications, including support for Scal...

14,056 下载

apirocket 1.3

FIX (describe your package)

13,838 下载


Facebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[] {REST API}[http://w...

13,523 下载

echocas-client 2.1.3

Client library for the Central Authentication Service (CAS) protocol. (this version spe...

13,005 下载


Provides full programmatic access to Rackspace. Use this to interact with the Rackspace...

12,945 下载

fap 0.0.3

FAP is a ruby gem build on top of the excellent Nokogiri, to turn boring XML, or HTML d...

12,876 下载

weather-underground 1.1.1

Modules for interacting with Weather Underground website.

12,676 下载

mechanized_session 0.1.0

A gem which uses the `mechanize` gem to make it easier to execute remote requests that ...

12,653 下载

maptp-service 0.0.3

This gem provides access to the MapTP web services. In order to use them, you need you...

12,543 下载

helium 0.1.2

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

12,535 下载


Daemon for sending out messages/emails via a RESTful API.

12,424 下载

ktheory-right_aws 2.0.3

== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, ...

12,424 下载

grem 0.0.3

The (GitHub) REpo Manager grabs repos and stores them according to my conventions.

12,330 下载

guitr 0.0.6

The gem to ease of some git actions on multi-modules project with separate repository p...

12,315 下载

dimkiriyenko-ci_reporter 1.6.6

CI::Reporter is an add-on to Test::Unit, RSpec and Cucumber that allows you to generate...

12,193 下载

gittest 0.1.4

Gittest uses your autotest mappings to run tests based on the files you've created or c...

12,098 下载

simpleemail 1.0.2

This package simplifies sending emails outside of the Rails environment. It is a wrapp...

11,675 下载

omnifocus-rubyforge 1.1.1

Plugin for omnifocus gem to provide rubyforge BTS synchronization.

11,387 下载

wreckster 1.0.2

Wreckster is an API for accessing Rexster[].

11,189 下载

typed_accessors 0.3.0

Typed accessors creates a set of accessors with a predefined typed. Often when dealing ...

11,186 下载

tulios-brcobranca-rails2 2.0.10

Gem que permite trabalhar com bloquetos de cobrança para bancos brasileiros. Fork d...

10,871 下载

shinagawaseaside 0.0.3

add rake tasks they start/stop tokyo tyrant server

10,854 下载

twigger 1.1.1

Import tweets into Pligg.

10,650 下载

ruby-configurable 1.0.2

Lets you make your Ruby class configurable with a simple mixin.

10,440 下载

autometal-growl 1.0.1

Creates a Growl notification with a custom title and body.

10,327 下载


activerecord-jdbc-adapter is a database adapter for Rails' ActiveRecord component that ...

10,220 下载

下载总量 2,996,928

这个版本 2,677,197


需要的 Ruby 版本:
