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ruby2ruby 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 ruby2ruby

joshng-zebra 0.1.2


5,749 下載


Code smell detector for Ruby

5,659 下載

hash_formatter 0.0.2

Hash Formatter is a library that formats Ruby hashes for code editors.

5,500 下載

cucumber2rspec 0.1.0

Convert Cucumber features to RSpec

5,455 下載

crystalizer 0.2.2

Ruby2CExtension is a Ruby to C extension translator/compiler/concretizer.

5,284 下載

enterprise 1.0.0

Wish you could write your Ruby in XML? Has the fact that Ruby is not "enterprise&...

5,194 下載

doppelganger 0.8.0

Doppelganger helps you to find areas of your code that are good places to refactor. It...

5,149 下載

fold 0.5.0

A toolkit for creating whitespace active mini-languages. Inspired by Haml, light on fea...

4,990 下載

SuperCaller 1.0.0

SuperCaller adds a beefed-up version of Kernel#caller and a beefed up version of Except...

4,923 下載

ObjectModel 0.3.0

ObjectModel is an Object Oriented Database inspired by MDD approach, db4o and ZODB.

4,705 下載

tiamat 0.1.0

Tiamat is a worker plugin for the pure functional package (Pure[http://purefunctional. ...

4,511 下載

proc2json 0.0.1

a dug up gem

4,501 下載

rebound 0.0.2

By default, instances of UnboundMethod can only be bound to objects that are a kind_of?...

4,466 下載

thorero-action-args 0.9.4

Merb plugin that provides support for ActionArgs

4,395 下載

ikra 0.0.2

GPGPU Accelerator for Array-based Computations

4,380 下載

wool 0.5.1

Wool is an advanced static analysis tool for Ruby.

4,335 下載

rubyunderscore 0.1.0

It allows you to create simple blocks by using underscore symbol

4,278 下載

dzintars 0.0.1

Programmēšanas valoda Dzintars

4,273 下載

brianjlandau-doppelganger 0.8.0

Doppelganger helps you to find areas of your code that are good places to refactor. It...

3,770 下載

rabl_to_jbuilder 0.2.0

Converts rabl templates to jbuilder

3,745 下載

devise-secure-password 1.1.2

Adds configurable password policy enforcement to devise.

3,738 下載

webcream 0.0.1

A web crawler dsl.

3,707 下載

webcream 0.0.1

A web crawler dsl.

3,707 下載

drewolson-defmacro 0.0.2

Macros for ruby

3,622 下載


You don't have to wait until Ruby 2.0 to get (named|keyword) arguments support. Argumen...

3,570 下載

dkubb-dm-ambition 0.10.0

DataMapper plugin providing an Ambition-like API

3,534 下載

dfg59-defmacro 0.0.2

Macros for ruby

3,518 下載

GTof-ruby-do-notation 0.2

Haskell-style monad do-notation for Ruby

3,479 下載

farleyknight-ionize 0.1.0

Ionize parses and translates Php scripts into Ruby code, which can be run from it's Rac...

3,461 下載

rbfmt 0.0.1

Format your Ruby code.

3,361 下載

總下載次數 15,743,088

這個版本 1,281,385



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
