RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para ruby-progressbar La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren ruby-progressbar

my_general 0.0.2

Recover MySQL data from General Purpose Query Log.

3.784 Descargas

poweroff_in 0.0.1

Poweroff after a delay.

3.762 Descargas

tsuga 0.0.1

Hierarchical Geo Clusterer tuned for Google Maps usage

3.748 Descargas

brainy_zip_scraper 0.0.1

Save zip code data to CSV

3.739 Descargas

qiniu2upyun 0.0.5

Migrate Qiniu to Upyun.

3.705 Descargas

tomato_paste 0.0.2

A concentrated version of the Pomodoro technique written in Ruby just for you (and me) ...

3.690 Descargas

flappinator 0.0.1

A command-line utility to help debug flapping processes, including tests.

3.666 Descargas

youtube-searcher 0.0.2

Search Youtube from the command line and download videos using `youtube-dl`.

3.665 Descargas

table_utils 0.0.1

make dealing with real life tables simpler

3.659 Descargas

judy 0.0.1

A command line tool for uploading to dropbox.

3.581 Descargas

mmac 0.0.1

["MMAC Project"]

3.565 Descargas

tapas 0.1.2

Download RubyTapas episodes

3.531 Descargas

geoblacklight_admin 0.5.1

Administrative UI for GeoBlacklight. Built on Kithe.

3.529 Descargas

Rdownloader 0.1.2


3.496 Descargas

silent_progress_bar 0.0.2

A progress bar that suppresses ActiveRecord logging.

3.475 Descargas

iij-dag 1.0.1

iij gio dag command line tool

3.453 Descargas

fallcli 0.1.0

A curses CLI app for Dropbox

3.411 Descargas

hb_exporter 0.1.1

This gems helps you exporting your pictures from

3.375 Descargas

proxy_finder 0.0.1

Give proxy_finder a list of proxy servers and it will tell which ones are active.

3.374 Descargas

knife-mysql 0.1.0

`knife-mysql` contains a utilities working with your database nodes, such as copying da...

3.371 Descargas

em-deploy 0.0.1

Easily deploy ember-cli applications with Amazon S3 and Redis.

3.367 Descargas

ciscobruter 0.0.1

Brute force Cisco SSL VPN's that don't use 2-factor authentication

3.355 Descargas

serper 0.1.0

Parse SERP result page.

3.323 Descargas

exif_gps_injector 1.0.0

Add GPS exif tags to images/videos based on a kml file

3.310 Descargas

simple_processor 1.0.0

Rails data batch migrations made easy.

3.244 Descargas

warm_cloudfront 0.0.1

Warms up your CloudFront cache

3.243 Descargas

traffiction 0.1.0

Performs an HTTParty::get request in a reasonably threaded manner.Primarily useful for ...

3.164 Descargas

tika_wrapper 0.0.1

Tika service wrapper

3.162 Descargas

simple_ssh_backup 1.0

Simple ssh backup tool

3.153 Descargas

soul_catcher 0.0.1

Soul Catcher is a solution to get unlimited internet access when using a captive portal.

3.136 Descargas

Total de descargas 473.560.889

Para esta versión 95.494.274

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
