Dépendances inversées pour ruby-oci8 Latest version of the following gems require ruby-oci8
infrataster-plugin-oracledb 0.1.2
Oracle Database plugin for Infrataster
7 354 Téléchargements
flash-gordons-ruby-plsql 0.5.1
ruby-plsql gem provides simple Ruby API for calling Oracle PL/SQL procedures. It could ...
6 185 Téléchargements
oraora 0.1.1
SQL*Plus replacement for interactive work with Oracle, with tab-completion, colored out...
5 660 Téléchargements
fx-oracle-adapter 0.1.0
Adds oracle adapter to Fx gem to enable database migrations and schema to work with...
4 480 Téléchargements
telasi-ruby 0.0.1
telasi ruby library
4 234 Téléchargements
sequel-oracle_enhanced 0.1.0
Extend sequel adapters with oracle_enhanced to have same naming as for activerecord
2 394 Téléchargements
avm-oracle 0.1.1
Put here de description.
2 106 Téléchargements
oracle_db_script_producer 1.0.0
SQL script tool that can programmatically create create, insert, update, delete, trunc ...
396 Téléchargements