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ruby-hmac 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 ruby-hmac


Rberger Version A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configu...

4,494 下載

pusher-client-merman 0.2.1

Ruby client for consuming WebSockets from

4,492 下載

fog-iwd 0.0.1

The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...

4,452 下載

universe-common 0.1.1

gem install universe-common

4,420 下載

openneo-auth-signatory 0.1.0

Used by OpenNeo Auth servers to sign messages, and OpenNeo Auth clients to confirm sign...

4,391 下載

middleman-aws-deploy 0.5.0

Adds S3 deploy and Cloudfront invalidation support to the Middleman build toolchain

4,378 下載

s3-upload 0.1

S3-Upload is a simple helper for creating a signed S3 upload policy, useful for allow...

4,374 下載

bitstamp-rbtc-arbitrage 0.4.0

Ruby API for use with bitstamp.

4,359 下載

ktheory-fog 1.1.2

The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...

4,353 下載

localist-instagvram 0.6.2

A Ruby wrapper for the Instagram REST and Search APIs

4,353 下載

amazon-ecs-eb 2.2.12

Generic Amazon Product Advertising Ruby API with exponential backoff.

4,246 下載

tag-fog 1.0.1

The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...

4,227 下載

App42_Ruby_API 0.8.4

gem containing all the sdk

4,216 下載

spree_google_checkout 0.40.0

Google Checkout extension for Spree

4,196 下載

jy-amazon-ecs 2.2.5

Generic Amazon Product Advertising Ruby API.

4,191 下載

fog-sgonyea 1.8.1

The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...

4,161 下載

michiels-fog 1.3.1

The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...

4,155 下載

sparqcode-waz-storage 1.1.1

A simple implementation of Windows Azure Storage API for Ruby, inspired by the S3 gems ...

4,153 下載

jelder_cloudfront-invalidator 0.2.0

Ruby library and command line utility included.

4,088 下載

pusher-client-nc 0.2.1

Ruby client for consuming WebSockets from

4,065 下載

diversion 0.0.1

Redirect HTML links through your preferred redirection URL

4,051 下載

fog-test-again 1.6.0

The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...

4,010 下載

fog-test-me 1.10.0

The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...

3,999 下載

aliyun-rds 0.0.1

Ruby wrapper of Aliyun RDS API for system administrator. Current for aliyun RDS API...

3,987 下載

lotus 0.0.12

This gem allows easier implementation and utilization of distributed, federated social ...

3,968 下載

aliyun-slb 0.0.1

Ruby wrapper of Aliyun SLB API for system administrator. Current for aliyun SLB API...

3,899 下載

cgore-bitstamp 0.3.1

Ruby API for use with bitstamp.

3,806 下載

mugen 0.2.1

MyGengo API wrapper(

3,794 下載

livefyre-mashable 0.2.0

Interface library for Livefyre's comment API with Rails helpers

3,646 下載


OAuth Core Ruby implementation

3,629 下載

總下載次數 19,507,704

這個版本 19,444,372


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