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ruby-debug19 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 ruby-debug19

GooglePlus 0.0.2

Ruby wrapper for GooglePlus API heavily inspired by the twitter gem.

5,410 下載

GooglePlus 0.0.2

Ruby wrapper for GooglePlus API heavily inspired by the twitter gem.

5,410 下載

human_detector 1.0.0.rc2

HumanDetector is a friendly logic captcha for Rails the doesn't require any external sy...

5,389 下載

openstack-swifter 0.3.2

Openstack's swift client

5,267 下載


A clean, simple, and unobtrusive ruby authentication solution.

5,213 下載

rack-debug19 1.4.2

Rack::Debug adds a middlerware interface to ruby-debug

5,125 下載

commentable 0.1.0

Add comment support for ActiveRecord models.

4,989 下載

brick_house 0.9.0

Brick Layer interface for templates, helpers, and client like use cases.

4,938 下載

k3cms_blog 0.1.0

Provides a simple blog

4,879 下載

cloud_storage_sync 0.0.2

Sync your assets hosts to Amazon & Rackspace services

4,793 下載

cloudspace_chat_service 0.0.1

Extendable chat service for cloudspace

4,769 下載

xenapi-ruby 0.1.29

A simple gem to deal with Xen API

4,662 下載

gip 0.3.0

Gip into place: Piston without the SVN cruft

4,573 下載

gip 0.3.0

Gip into place: Piston without the SVN cruft

4,573 下載

gip 0.3.0

Gip into place: Piston without the SVN cruft

4,573 下載

mongestry 0.5.5

Mongestry is Ancestry for Mongo, build for ORM Mongoid

4,540 下載

export_to_cloud 0.0.1

Adds a class method to all ActiveRecord models in Rails that exports all rows in a sing...

4,443 下載

isotope_contacts 0.1.0

A Rails 3 engine for contact management.

4,420 下載

gradekit 0.0.1

Grading automation toolkit for CSCI261 Programming Concepts at the Colorado School of M...

4,400 下載

rails_validators 0.0.1

Improve your rails 3 application with some ActiveRecord validators.

4,359 下載

multisite 0.0.1

Make a naive rails app multisite easily

4,335 下載

markup_attr 0.1.0

This ActiveRecord plugin saves formatted content (Markdown, Textile, HTML) after normal...

4,305 下載

warranty-check 1.1.5

The library retrieves warrany information from various vendor websites based in provide...

4,293 下載

synonym-finder 0.2.2

Synonym finder is a biodiversity tool for finding homotypic nomenclatural synonyms in t...

4,291 下載

muxilla 0.0.1

A prompt-based cli to generate a tmux script based on the story name and related systems

4,291 下載

resource 0.1.0

A replacement for ActiveResource for RESTful APIs that handles associated object and mu...

4,286 下載

rack-hoptoad-notifier 0.1.0

Simple Rack wrapper around HoptoadNotifier.notify

4,266 下載

to_town 0.0.4

Find nearby towns of a geographic latitude and longitude

4,255 下載

jibeset 0.2

A Ruby wrapper for the jibeset REST and Search APIs

4,255 下載

jibeset 0.2

A Ruby wrapper for the jibeset REST and Search APIs

4,255 下載

總下載次數 794,911

這個版本 790,592


Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.8.2
