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ruby-debug19 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 ruby-debug19

cordon 0.3.0

A bit of an experiment, really

8,322 下載

cloud_search_rails 0.0.2

Rails integration for CloudSearch

8,302 下載

enumitation 0.0.3

Ever wanted to restrict an attribute to specific values, but not wanted to create a joi...

8,271 下載

cloudbuilder 0.1.6

the peanut butter to puppet or chef's jelly

8,263 下載

enhanced_request_forgery_protection 0.9.1

Add scopes and time windows to Rails's CSRF protection. Redirect to referrer with a fla...

8,178 下載

lolita-report 0.1.0

Enable configuration and generate HTML view for Lolita resources, and also has ability ...

8,156 下載

eslurper 1.0.1

Slurps stories from the given file (stories.slurper by default) and creates Pivotal Tra...

8,122 下載

excavator 0.0.2

Excavator is a scripting framework for writing multi-command executables for the unix e...

8,040 下載

herodotus 0.0.2

Reads your git tags and commit messages to keep the changelog updated

7,922 下載

fuzzzy 0.0.2

Fuzzy Search client and server

7,877 下載

handy_capper 0.1.2

A Ruby library for calculating corrected scores for common sailboat racing scoring systems

7,853 下載

simple_redis_cache 0.0.2

simple api for caching strings in redis and passing a time to live

7,843 下載

myterm 0.0.4

Command line interface for customizing iTerm using AppleScript. Creates meaningful, sal...

7,437 下載

kuji-mercury-rails 0.3.3

A fully featured and advanced HTML5 WYSIWYG editor written in CoffeeScript on top of th...

7,428 下載

refined 0.0.2

Refined scopes ActiveRecord collections automagicaly.

7,229 下載

svmredlight 0.1.1

Ruby interface to SVMLight

7,209 下載

robut-rdio 0.1.2

An RDIO client/server plugin for Robut

7,174 下載

sailthru_mailer 1.0.1

Implements ActionMailer compatible syntax

7,124 下載

seep 0.1.0

Collection of web spidering and downloading tools using redis, curl, and gd.

7,079 下載

simple_bitlify 0.5.1

A simple, yet caching bitlifier.

7,019 下載

survey_says 0.0.2

This is a plugin that allows you to create a questionaire with custom scores.

7,006 下載

raudi 0.0.2

Raudi is adapter for programming avr controller without pain

6,990 下載

taskmapper-rally 0.4.0

This is a provider for taskmapper. It provides interoperability with Rally and it's pro...

6,878 下載

sslackey 0.6.1

Checks a certificate via ocsp or crl to see if it has been revoked

6,694 下載

lyricli 0.0.2

Lyricli is an awesome CLI tool to read the lyrics of your currently playing song right ...

6,675 下載

tropeco 0.2.0

IRC BOT with somethings

6,544 下載

vsql_parser 0.3

Provides treetop grammar for Vertica SQL. (Most likely works with Postgres SQL as well)

6,216 下載

AmberRack 0.1.0

Smalltalk brought to the web

5,871 下載

campystrano 0.0.3

Adds before and after deploy hooks that announce a deploy's start and success in a Camp...

5,805 下載

sailthru_batching_client 0.0.1

Sailthru Client with Batching

5,521 下載

總下載次數 794,883

這個版本 790,565


Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.8.2
