RubyGems Navigation menu

ruby-debug19 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 ruby-debug19

csv_validator 0.0.3

A CSV validator for Rails 3. See homepage for details:

26,775 下載

watchman 0.1.1

works for our web-view on the CAD produced by enroute. your mileage may vary.

26,403 下載

email_manager 1.0.0

System for storing and managing emails sent by ActionMailer

26,307 下載

audit_record 0.1.5

A simple gem built for Rails 3+ which creates an audit when events that you configure o...

26,232 下載


ActiveSupport MongoDB Cache store.

25,764 下載

tropo_rest 0.1.2

A simple wrapper for the Tropo REST API to manipulate applications, addresses, exchange...

25,664 下載

scalarium 0.4.4

Access your scalarium clouds from console

25,083 下載

activerecord_random 1.0.1

ActiveRecord Random is a Ruby Gem that empowers your ActiveRecord Models with the abili...

24,784 下載

github_concern 0.1.1

Easily associate git commits with models

24,303 下載

has_token_on 1.0.5

Simple yet customizable token generator for Rails 3

24,203 下載

cn_sms 0.0.10

SMS Adapter for all gems

24,006 下載


A gem providing HMAC based authentication for HTTP. This is the DNC Labs fork.

23,021 下載

lab419_core 0.0.7

Coming Soon

22,974 下載

barnie 0.3.2

A fake API to a well-known bookstore

22,799 下載

file_transfer_mixin 0.0.6

A mixin to include in various libraries to allow you to easily send/retrieve files from...

22,570 下載

tom 0.3.1

Tom uses Goliath to dispatch HTTP requests to multiple other APIs (via Adapters) in par...

21,988 下載

js-client-bridge 0.1.6

Little library that encapsulates a (particular) standardised way of talking between a s...

21,898 下載

gync 0.1.2

Synchronizes data of desktop applications using Git

21,536 下載

stepper 0.2.0

Stepper is multistep form (wizard) solution for Rails 3. Stepper allows you to split up...

21,533 下載

tandem 0.2.5

A lightweight CMS for Rails 3.1+

21,405 下載

ruby_on_etags 0.1.3

Ruby on ETags is a tool to help a developer keep TAGS file up to date.

20,572 下載

rwiki 0.2.5

Personal wiki based on ExtJS

20,554 下載

iron-spect 1.0.1

C# project file parser and inspector

20,039 下載

vinted-resque-metrics 0.0.15

A simple Resque plugin that times and saves some simple metrics for Resque jobs back in...

19,927 下載

enviro 0.0.5

Add rails like application wide environment configuration, logging and more.

19,624 下載

iron_cuke 0.0.5

iron_cuke provides a set of steps and Cucumber world objects you can use to simulate Ir...

19,574 下載

cushion 0.0.5

A Hash with indifferent access and CouchDB persistence layer

19,564 下載

yahoo_quote 0.0.6

Easy interaction with Yahoo Finance API

19,407 下載

true-web 0.1.5

A lightweight Sinatra web MVC stack

19,227 下載

ticketmaster-rally 0.2.4

This is a provider for ticketmaster. It provides interoperability with Rally and it's p...

19,186 下載

總下載次數 794,819

這個版本 790,506


Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.8.2
