RubyGems Navigation menu

rubocop 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubocop

lograge 0.14.0

Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request

118,730,320 下载

celluloid-supervision 0.20.6

Supervisors, Supervision Groups, and Supervision Trees for Celluloid.

113,737,982 下载

celluloid-pool 0.20.5

An implementation of an actor pool, based on the Celluloid concurrent object framework.

113,537,789 下载

celluloid-essentials 0.20.5

Notifications, Internals, Logging, Probe, and essential Celluloid pieces demanding Supe...

113,514,629 下载

celluloid-extras 0.20.5

Classes to support examples, benchmarks, or add special functionality.

113,507,616 下载

celluloid-fsm 0.20.5

Simple finite state machines with integrated Celluloid timeout support.

113,507,450 下载

css_parser 1.17.1

A set of classes for parsing CSS in Ruby.

112,749,697 下载

eye 0.10.0

Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Ruby(MRI) >= 1.9.3...

107,532,141 下载

redis-store 1.10.0

Namespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web framewo...

97,317,884 下载

babosa 2.0.0

A library for creating slugs. Babosa an extraction and improvement of the string co...

96,128,885 下载

carrierwave 3.0.7

Upload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on diff...

94,598,924 下载

browser 5.3.1

Do some browser detection with Ruby.

89,018,785 下载

rack-attack 6.7.0

A rack middleware for throttling and blocking abusive requests

87,122,453 下载

atomos 0.1.3

A simple gem to atomically write files

86,059,517 下载

gh_inspector 1.1.3

Search through GitHub issues for your project for existing issues about a Ruby Error.

84,133,224 下载

paper_trail 15.1.0

Track changes to your models, for auditing or versioning. See how a model looked at any...

82,565,658 下载

webpacker 5.4.4

Use webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails

78,376,947 下载

omniauth-google-oauth2 1.1.2

A Google OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.x. This allows you to login to Google with your...

75,554,269 下载

commander 5.0.0

The complete solution for Ruby command-line executables. Commander bridges the gap betw...

75,510,622 下载

cucumber 9.2.0

Behaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy

73,452,993 下载

xcpretty 0.3.0

Xcodebuild formatter designed to be piped with `xcodebuild`, and thus keeping 100% ...

72,354,807 下载

simctl 1.6.10

Ruby interface to xcrun simctl

72,318,437 下载

faraday_middleware-aws-sigv4 1.0.1

Faraday middleware for AWS Signature Version 4 using aws-sigv4.

72,133,541 下载

webdrivers 5.3.1

Run Selenium tests more easily with install and updates for all supported webdrivers.

66,195,486 下载

security 0.1.5

Interact with the macOS Keychain

65,088,993 下载

no_proxy_fix 0.1.2

A fix for a no_proxy bug:

64,323,270 下载

pundit 2.3.1

Object oriented authorization for Rails applications

63,910,477 下载

net-ldap 0.19.0

Net::LDAP for Ruby (also called net-ldap) implements client access for the Lightweight ...

62,564,880 下载

cancancan 3.5.0

Simple authorization solution for Rails. All permissions are stored in a single location.

62,420,108 下载

case_transform 0.2

Extraction of the key_transform abilities of ActiveModelSerializers

59,487,152 下载

下载总量 413,559,007

这个版本 200,100



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
