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rubocop-shopify 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubocop-shopify

rubocop-ruby2_6 2.0.5

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.6 code

8,138 下载

rubocop-ruby2_4 2.0.5

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.4 code

7,935 下载

rubocop-ruby2_3 2.0.5

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.3 code

7,842 下载

still_active 0.5.0

Obtain last release, pre-release, and last commit date to determine if a gem is still u...

7,617 下载

rubocop-ruby1_9 2.0.6

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 1.9 code

7,498 下载

rubocop-ruby2_2 2.0.5

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.2 code

7,456 下载

rubocop-ruby2_0 2.0.5

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.0 code

7,013 下载

k8y 0.4.0

Ruby client for interacting with kubernetes clusters

6,669 下载

izolenta 0.0.6

Migration helpers for delegated uniqueness in Postgres

6,556 下载

rubocop-intum 0.1.5

Write a longer description or delete this line.

6,358 下载

rubocop-ruby2_5 2.0.5

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.5 code

5,521 下载

shipengine_ruby 0.0.7

Ruby SDK for ShipEngine

4,982 下载

stubberry 0.3.0

This a ultimate set of stub extensions. Suggest any reasonable subbing and I'll try to ...

4,970 下载

modular_routes 0.3.0

Dedicated controllers for each of your Rails route actions

4,958 下载

mdtoc 0.1.5

# mdtoc - Markdown Table of Contents Read Markdown files and output a table of content...

4,622 下载

rubocop-kobus 0.9.0

Gem containing Kobus Post's personal Rubocop config. Based on rubocop-shopify.

4,443 下载

bloodbath 1.1.1

The Bloodbath Ruby library provides convenient access to the Bloodbath APIfrom applicat...

4,163 下载

labrat 1.2.1

Labrat is a linux command-line program for quickly printing labels. Labrat uses the wo...

3,974 下载

sidekiq-alive-next 3.1.1

SidekiqAlive offers a solution to add liveness probe of a Sidekiq instance. How? A ht...

3,421 下载

rubocop-ruby3_2 2.0.7

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 3.2 code

3,409 下载

shopify_api_bruv 0.3.3

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

3,364 下载

rubocop-next 1.0.7

Rubocop configuration

2,992 下载

tiny_filter 0.3.1

Simple filtering for ActiveRecord, Sequel and enumerables.

2,787 下载

ci_runner 0.4.0

Tired of copying the test suites names from a failed CI? This gem will automate this t...

2,290 下载

guard-erb_lint 1.0.1

Guard plugin for erb_lint

2,209 下载

rubocop-ruby1_8 1.0.7

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 1.8 code

2,180 下载

shopify-ruby-definitions 1.4.0

Ruby builds used at Shopify.

2,035 下载

hashy_validator 0.1.6

The hashy_validator gem provides the HashyArrayValidator, a custom Active Model validat...

1,987 下载

bundler-as_of 0.1.0

Resolve gem dependencies as-of a date in the past. Intended to resurrect older projects...

1,919 下载

better-graphql-detect-invalid-id-field 0.1.0

Detect invalid id field for GraphQL types by detecting divergent fields between nodes r...

1,824 下载

下载总量 9,736,986

这个版本 1,024,038




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0
