rubocop-rake 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rake
hayabusa 0.0.30
A threadded web/app-server that focuses on threadding, shared ressources, speed and more.
78,402 下载
rubocop-standard 7.2.0
Enables Shopify’s Ruby Style Guide recommendations (and bundles them with other nicetie...
76,981 下载
geo_combine 0.9.2
A Ruby toolkit for managing geospatial metadata
76,161 下载
danger-spotbugs 1.0.0
A Danger plugin for SpotBugs.
76,151 下载
rubocop-nosolosoftware 1.18.0
Default Rubocop configuration used in NoSoloSoftware developments
74,554 下载
druid-tools 3.0.0
Tools to manipulate DRUID trees and content directories
74,491 下载
boxt_rubocop 2.14.3
Base Rubocop settings for all Boxt Ruby projects
73,470 下载
ronn-ng 0.10.1
Ronn-NG builds manuals in Unix man page and HTML format from Markdown. Ronn-NG is a mod...
72,759 下载
bundler_bash_completion 0.6.2
Provides bash completion for bundle command
72,616 下载
rspec-match_fuzzy 0.2.0
String matcher to ignore whitespace.
71,614 下载
ocg 1.4.3
Option combination generator.
70,896 下载
saml_idp_metadata 0.3.6
SAML IdP metadata.xml parser
68,930 下载
search_solr_tools 7.2.1
Ruby translators to transform various metadata feeds into solr documents and a comm...
67,101 下载
jackhammer 1.5.1
Jackhammer is an opinionated facade over RabbitMQ Bunny
65,615 下载
onlyoffice_gmail_helper 0.5.0
ONLYOFFICE Helper Gem for GMail. Used in QA
65,018 下载
dotstrings 0.6.0
Parse and create .strings files used in localization of iOS and macOS apps.
63,196 下载
openstax_kitchen 19.0.0
OpenStax content baking library
62,818 下载
yoshiki 8.0.0
Dev Fu! Style for rubocop.
62,543 下载
danger-dangermattic 1.2.1
A shared collection of Danger plugins
62,317 下载
chimera_http_client 1.6.0
The Chimera http client offers an easy to learn interface and consistent error handling...
61,987 下载
entangler 1.6.1
Two way file syncer using platform native notify.
60,886 下载
sleeping_king_studios-tools 1.1.1
A library of utility services and concerns to expand the functionality of core classes ...
60,018 下载
minitest-heat 1.2.0
Presents test results in a visual manner to guide you to where to look first.
59,632 下载
lazylead 0.13.0
Ticketing systems (Github, Jira, etc.) are strongly integrated into our processes and e...
59,379 下载
scoped_from 2.0.0
Provides a simple mapping between Active Record scopes and controller parameters for Ru...
57,828 下载
git-multi 8.0.1
Run the same git command in a set of related repos
57,544 下载
notu 5.0.1
API to get tracks (top, loved, etc.)
55,136 下载
caliber 0.66.0
A global, high quality, and constantly updated RuboCop configuration.
53,928 下载
searchgov_style 0.1.25
Shared Rubocop configuration for repositories
52,979 下载
tdc 1.0
A simple framework for creating a Test Data Catalog
52,355 下载