RubyGems Navigation menu

rubocop-rake 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rake

danger-pmd 1.0.5

A Danger plugin for PMD.

118,362 下载

asciidoctor-epub3 2.1.3

An extension for Asciidoctor that converts AsciiDoc documents to EPUB3 e-book format.

115,428 下载

u3d 1.3.3

Provides numerous tools for installing, managing and running the Unity game engine from...

112,517 下载

swedbank-pay-design-guide-jekyll-theme 2.3.2

Swedbank Pay Design Guide theme for Jekyll

112,479 下载

onlyoffice_api 1.0.1

Ruby Framework to interact with OnlyOffice API 2.0

110,396 下载

ndr_dev_support 7.2.4

Provides support to developers of NDR projects

108,971 下载

kramdown-plantuml 1.3.3

kramdown-plantuml allows you to use PlantUML syntax within fenced code blocks with Kram...

104,519 下载

password_blocklist 0.5.0

A simple Ruby library to check if a given string is present in a blocklist of commo...

102,729 下载

lite-ruby 2.3.0

Collection of useful Ruby methods for its primitive classes

102,662 下载

que-unique 1.1.0

A gem that removes duplicates when multiple copies of a que job are enqueued.

101,890 下载

onlyoffice_documentserver_conversion_helper 0.5.0

Helper method for using ONLYOFFICE DocumentServer conversion api

99,999 下载

rubocop-powerhome 0.5.2

Powerhome Rubocop standard rules

99,667 下载

rake_gpg 0.20.0

Rake tasks for common GPG related activities allowing keys to be managed and content to...

99,297 下载

palladium 1.1.0

Wrapper gem for usage of Palladium API

98,588 下载

onlyoffice_iredmail_helper 1.0.0

ONLYOFFICE Helper Gem for iRedMail. Used in QA

97,958 下载

dyndnsd 3.10.0

A small, lightweight and extensible DynDNS server written with Ruby and Rack.

96,579 下载

acidic_job 0.9.0

Idempotent operations for Rails apps, built on top of ActiveJob.

96,404 下载

rake_github 0.15.0

Allows managing repository deploy keys.

95,503 下载

smile-identity-core 2.2.5

The Official Smile Identity gem

94,320 下载

cryptum 0.0.464

Personalized High-Frequency Trading Bot

93,195 下载

finapps_core 6.0.2

A simple library for communicating with the FinApps REST API. Core functionality.

92,137 下载

salsify_rubocop 1.59.1

Shared RuboCop configuration

90,458 下载

ci_toolkit 1.6.4

Set of tools making it easier to interact between Github PRs and Bitrise CI

89,256 下载

kagu 4.0.0

API to manage macOS Music tracks and playlists

88,095 下载

sorare-rewards 1.6.1

["Sorare", "reward", "allocation", "algorithm"]

85,051 下载

rspec_passed_time_formatter 0.2.0

Formatter for `rspec` with output html with end times

84,804 下载

activerecord-time 1.0.0

A handler for storing TimeOfDay objects in ActiveRecord objects as sql time values.

84,095 下载

japanese_address_parser 3.2.0

JapaneseAddressParser is a Ruby gem that parses Japanese address. To detect the address...

81,205 下载

ecoportal-api 0.10.2

A collection of helpers for interacting with the ecoPortal MS's various APIs

81,077 下载

br_documents 0.2.5

Validates brazilian documents like CPF, CNPJ and IE.

79,562 下载

下载总量 17,186,929

这个版本 14,349,138




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5.0
