RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rspec-mocks La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rspec-mocks

nexpose_ticketing 1.5.2

This gem provides a Ruby implementation of different integrations with ticketing servic...

45.928 Descargas

et 0.7.3

Users can download challenges and submit their solutions via the command-line interface.

45.523 Descargas

docusign_click 1.4.0

The DocuSign package makes integrating DocuSign into your apps and websites a super fas...

45.094 Descargas

arstotzka 1.6.2


44.801 Descargas

rails-i18nterface 0.2.7

A rails engine adding an interface for translating and writing translation files. Works...

44.685 Descargas

email_test_helpers 0.3.4

EmailTestHelpers are a collection of lightweight helpers designed for acceptance tests....

42.845 Descargas

togglv8 1.2.1

Toggl v8 API wrapper (See

42.304 Descargas

social 0.3.3

This is social networks api wrapper and authorization tools for social applications. ...

40.289 Descargas

ffwd-datadog 0.4.7

Datadog support for FFWD.

40.153 Descargas

joyent-cloud-pricing 2.1.0

Various set of tools and helpers to calculate infrastructure footprint and cost on Joye...

39.867 Descargas

lightstreamer 0.17

Library and command-line client for accessing a Lightstreamer server.

39.720 Descargas

bi-frost 1.1.1

Bifrost is a pub/sub wrapper library which uses Azure message bus and actors.

39.536 Descargas

mercure 0.1.7

A tool that works only with plist files

39.535 Descargas

activerecord-jdbcnuodb-adapter 2.0.3

ActiveRecord adapter for NuoDB. Only for use with JRuby. Requires separate Cache JDBC d...

39.250 Descargas

vcloud-walker 5.1.0

Vcloud-walker is a command line tool to describe different vCloud entities. ...

39.101 Descargas

media_meta_hash 0.0.6

Given the url to a video (youtube, vimeo, foxnews, foxbusiness), this return a hash for...

38.660 Descargas

vagrant-dsc 2.0.0

Desired State Configuration ( ...

38.246 Descargas

racker 0.2.0

Racker allows for hierarchical template definitions for Packer.

38.222 Descargas

mini_form 0.2.5

Sugar around ActiveModel::Model

37.290 Descargas

rbeapi 1.3

Arista eAPI Ruby Library

37.158 Descargas

bravo 0.4.0

Adaptador para el Web Service de Facturacion Electronica de AFIP

37.054 Descargas

dandy 1.0.3

The philosophy of Dandy is to provide minimalistic middleware between your model and AP...

37.023 Descargas

disiid_user 4.0.2

DISI - UniTN internal development

35.716 Descargas

gom-core 0.2.8

this gem includes stuff which is of use for the server as well as for gom scripting...

35.661 Descargas

orcid 0.9.1

A Rails engine for integration.

34.309 Descargas

vagrant-kvm 0.1.9

A Vagrant 1.4+ plugin that adds a KVM provider to Vagrant, allowing Vagrant to control ...

34.026 Descargas

leadtune 0.0.9

LeadTune Ruby API Gem

32.948 Descargas

sale 0.5.0

A wrapper around the Bsale API.

32.901 Descargas

atpay_ruby 0.0.17

Ruby bindings for the @Pay API

31.089 Descargas

huck 0.3.5

Open-ended information sharing framework

31.079 Descargas

Total de descargas 918.917.100

Para esta versión 14.427.066

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.8.7
