RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rspec-mocks La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rspec-mocks

aspecto-opentelemetry-instrumentation-aws_sdk 0.4.5

AWS SDK instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

63.994 Descargas

active_snapshot 0.4.0

Dead simple snapshot versioning for ActiveRecord models and associations.

63.783 Descargas

neo4j-java-driver 4.4.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

63.500 Descargas

kabutops 0.3.0

Dead simple yet powerful Ruby crawler for easy parallel crawling with support for an an...

62.691 Descargas

enhanced_date_select 1.5.2

"Enhances ActionView with a customizable date select form helper where any valid HTML a...

62.048 Descargas

vagrant-skytap 0.3.6

Enables Vagrant to manage Skytap machines.

60.287 Descargas

yamwow 0.1.6

YamWow is a Ruby Gem built on top of the Yammer REST API to help you get more out of Ya...

60.260 Descargas

porky_lib 0.11.3

A library for cryptographic services using AWS KMS and RbNaCl

60.035 Descargas

daptiv-chef-ci 0.2.0

Vagrant automation for CI

59.923 Descargas

insights-api-common 5.0.7

Header, Encryption, RBAC, Serialization, Pagination and other common behavior for Insig...

59.815 Descargas

ffwd-protobuf 0.4.7

protobuf reference protocol support for FFWD.

59.113 Descargas

blobsterix 0.0.38

Blobsterix is a transcoding, caching, storage server that can transform your blobs (ima...

59.072 Descargas

alexa_rubykit 1.3.1

Alexa Ruby Kit with examples

55.578 Descargas

graph_matching 0.2.1

Efficient algorithms for maximum cardinality and weighted matchings in undirected g...

55.248 Descargas

invitation 0.6.1

Allow users to invite other users to join your organization

54.489 Descargas

sinclair 2.1.1

Gem for easy concern creation

54.193 Descargas

center_image_tag 0.1.0

center_image_tag helps your Rails app to center your images easily with pure css.

54.174 Descargas

azeroth 1.1.0


50.729 Descargas

rails-response-dumper 9.1.0

Rails Response Dumper is a library and command line tool to dump HTTP responses from a ...

50.696 Descargas

alchemy-flux 1.6.0

Ruby implementation of the Alchemy micro-service framework

50.602 Descargas

jekyll-template 0.21.0

Custom template blocks with YAML support

50.556 Descargas

nagira 0.5.2

Nagira -- Nagios RESTful API Web services API for Nagios: host status (R/W), service s...

49.419 Descargas

xccoveralls 1.0.0

Command line tool for sending Xcode 9.3+ coverage information to Coveralls

49.283 Descargas

pageify 0.5.2

Simplify page object definition for UI tests

49.240 Descargas

hyper-router 4.1.1

Adds the ability to write and use the react-router in Ruby through Opal

48.276 Descargas

vagrant-windows-domain 1.3.5

Adds and Removes Windows Guests from a Windows Domain, as part of the standard machine ...

48.220 Descargas

github-pivotal-flow 1.3

Provides a set of additional Git commands to help developers when working with Pivotal ...

47.844 Descargas

vagrant-guests-photon 1.0.5

Enables Vagrant to manage VMware Photon machines.

47.189 Descargas

vagrant-vcloud 0.5.0

Enables Vagrant to manage machines with VMware vCloud Director®.

47.135 Descargas

indy 0.5.1

Indy is a log archaeology library that treats logs like data structures. Search standar...

46.542 Descargas

Total de descargas 918.895.015

Para esta versión 14.417.283

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.8.7
