RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rspec-mocks La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rspec-mocks

vagrant-vaimo-unison 2.2.0

Vagrant 2.0+ plugin to sync local files to VM over SSH using Unison

20.373 Descargas

miriamtech-gocd 0.5.0

Utilities for building apps in Docker containers with GoCD

20.250 Descargas

ffwd-google-cloud 0.4.7

Google Cloud Monitoring support for FFWD.

20.195 Descargas

babbler 2.0.0

Creates nonsense babble in the form of an adjective plus a noun

20.076 Descargas

orientdb_client 0.0.9

Orientdb ruby client aiming to be simple, fast, and provide good integration with Orien...

20.055 Descargas

berks2env 0.3.1

Convert a Berkshelf Lockfile to a Chef Environment json

19.971 Descargas

slacked 0.9.2

This is a super simple Slack integration for Rails. A use case for this would be to pos...

19.561 Descargas

inventory-server 0.1.0

Inventory server store and index data sent from the agent

19.254 Descargas

polaris 1.1.2

A* pathfinding in Ruby, using C datastructures to speed things up.

19.239 Descargas

chartify 0.3.0

This gem wraps the data to render chart and then it draws those charts in the web ...

19.151 Descargas

maitredee 0.10.1

Opinionated pub/sub framework

19.117 Descargas

stix_schema_spy 1.3.2

Contains helpers for working with the STIX and CybOX schemas

19.080 Descargas

lumberjack_multi-device 0.2.0

A proxy device that relays logging calls to more than one other device

19.065 Descargas

objc-referee 1.0.0

Resource file generator for Objective-C and Swift. Parses Xcode projects and creates a ...

19.007 Descargas

jekyll-spark 0.6.0

A Jekyll library for building component-based UI

18.979 Descargas

levelup 0.9.6

DEPRECATION WARNING: This gem is now deprecated. Please do not use it for new proje...

18.906 Descargas

vagrant-plugin-dummy 0.0.7

Dummy Guest Support for Vagrant

18.846 Descargas

clever_elements 0.0.5

This gem has been deprecated and has been replaced by 'cleverelements'. See https://rub...

18.845 Descargas

rails_use_case 0.0.13

Rails UseCase and Service classes

18.704 Descargas

daffy_lib 0.1.11

A library for caching encryptor

18.376 Descargas

gom-sensor-ports 0.2.4

Implements a gateway server to allow barebone basic sensor components to report sta...

18.173 Descargas

rspec-nagios-formatter 0.2.0

A RSpec formatter for the Nagios/Icinga plugin format

18.155 Descargas

atomic_assets 0.2.0

Organize, style, and consume atomically designed assets in Ruby on Rails.

17.631 Descargas

codewars 0.3.1

A command-line tool for Codewars

17.529 Descargas

game_machine 1.0.4

game server

17.421 Descargas

dop_common 0.15.3

This gem is part of the Deployment and Orchestration for Puppet or DOP for short. d...

17.309 Descargas

dynamodb-mutex 0.0.5

dynamodb-mutex implements a simple mutex that can be used to coordinate access to share...

17.171 Descargas

spree-alpha-card 0.1.2

Alpha Card Payment Gateway for Spree

17.096 Descargas

tnargav 1.3.6

Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.

16.848 Descargas

etcdist 0.0.8

Populate etcd in a reproducable way.

16.794 Descargas

Total de descargas 934.405.105

Para esta versión 4.967.179

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.8.7
