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rspec-expectations 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rspec-expectations

vagrant-application-cookbooks 0.1.4

Deploy Chef "Application Cookbooks" directly from a Git repository

14,529 下載

vagrant-hp 0.1.4

Enables Vagrant to manage machines on HP Cloud.

14,461 下載

vidyo 1.0

Create access tokens.

14,437 下載

heroku-readonly 0.0.3

Internal tool

14,394 下載

unirole 0.1.2

Gem for acsess to api Unirole

14,328 下載

docusign_rooms 1.3.0

The DocuSign package makes integrating DocuSign into your apps and websites a super fas...

14,245 下載

bmhatfield-vagrant 1.0.10

Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.

13,970 下載

sorted_array 0.0.5

Class SortedArray keeps sorted after push-actions using a Sorter-class. Implements mars...

13,965 下載

vagrant-rimu 0.0.7

Rimuhosting provider for Vagrant.

13,805 下載

html_tagger 0.0.4

OO simple html tagging of text, similar to JS calls

13,578 下載

cavalerie_web 1.1.6

Contain everything your need to create and manage websites

13,566 下載

vagrant-toplevel-cookbooks 0.2.4

Deploy Chef "Top-Level Cookbooks" directly from a Git repository

13,433 下載

vagrant-aws-extras 0.1.0

Enables Vagrant to update dns records when using AWS Route53

13,173 下載

calabash-page-objects 0.5.6

Page Object frameworks for Calabash on iOS and Android

13,145 下載

rspec-grape-entity 0.1.0

Provides "it_exposes" and "describe_exposure" methods to test Grape Entities

13,063 下載

dmarc_inspector 0.2.0

Looks up DMARC policy of a domain

12,784 下載

sasswillio 1.1.4

a simple ruby gem that wraps around the twilio API allowing you to build an SMS enabled...

12,767 下載

querygazer 0.1.0

Repeated Query Runner - for monitoring, operation and CI.

12,661 下載

bwrap 1.3.1

For now this is tailored to my needs, so this may or may not be of any use.

12,648 下載

match_hash 0.1.2

Custom Matcher errors generate from RSpec::Matchers::ExpectedsForMultipleDiffs.from.mes...

12,494 下載

rspec-the 1.0.1

Easily make assertions about the contents of your `let` blocks

12,431 下載

site_watcher 1.4.0

Periodically monitor a website

12,430 下載

vagrant-vmware-appcatalyst 1.1.1

Enables Vagrant to manage machines with VMware AppCatalyst®.

12,226 下載

kitchen-scribe 0.3.1

Knife plugin for tracking your chef configuration changes

12,194 下載

rspec-xunit 0.7.0

XUnit syntax for RSpec

12,157 下載

montage 0.4.0

Even Rocky had a montage.

12,011 下載

ruby-testrail 1.3.2

Library to integrate Test Suite with TestRail

11,680 下載

destination 0.1.0

Tool for building Objective-C code without the use of Xcode

11,655 下載

errorspray 1.0.1

Makes it easy to append contextual information to error messages

11,468 下載

aislefinder 0.0.02

Allows you to find the aisle for groceries per your local super market.

11,440 下載

總下載次數 899,795,948

這個版本 1,713,446



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.8.7
