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rspec-expectations 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rspec-expectations

berks2env 0.3.1

Convert a Berkshelf Lockfile to a Chef Environment json

19,661 下載

rspec-dom-testing 0.1.0

Wraps rails-dom-testing into RSpec matchers.

19,473 下載

cexio 0.0.6

Gem for acsess to api

19,400 下載

sqs_async 0.0.7

A simple library that leverages Event Machine to issue requests to the Amazon SQS servi...

19,303 下載

diglossa 0.2.27

Write a gem description

19,282 下載

polaris 1.1.2

A* pathfinding in Ruby, using C datastructures to speed things up.

18,875 下載

objc-referee 1.0.0

Resource file generator for Objective-C and Swift. Parses Xcode projects and creates a ...

18,671 下載

secretfile 1.0.4

Define secret mapping in a Secretfile, pulling from either ENV or Hashicorp Vault.

18,594 下載

after_transaction 0.0.5

Run blocks of code after transaction is commited

18,578 下載

vagrant-plugin-dummy 0.0.7

Dummy Guest Support for Vagrant

18,568 下載

oval 0.0.7

Validate options when passed to methods

18,294 下載

rspec-hash_matchers 0.2.0

RSpec extension to better match hashes.

17,997 下載

rspec-nagios-formatter 0.2.0

A RSpec formatter for the Nagios/Icinga plugin format

17,887 下載

polytrix 0.1.4

A polyglot test runner for sample code

17,497 下載

bvm 0.3.3

Generates CSV files that can be consumed by Microsoft Treemapper from the Sonar API. R...

17,347 下載

atomic_assets 0.2.0

Organize, style, and consume atomically designed assets in Ruby on Rails.

17,267 下載

game_machine 1.0.4

game server

17,147 下載

tnargav 1.3.6

Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.

16,587 下載

capybara-pageobject 0.1.2

Introduce page objects to your capybara-based functional tests

16,536 下載

ProjectNameGenerator 0.0.7

It does exactly what it says

16,389 下載

flickrage 0.1.8

Another one Flickr collage maker CLI.

16,385 下載

compressed_attributes 0.2.2

Use GZIP to compress and decompress attributes on the fly.

15,836 下載

keymap 0.3.2

Helping Ruby developers and their companies, unlock their key-value store data, through...

15,788 下載

cappie 1.0.0

Instant capybara/cucumber/rspec/selenium-webdriver configuration for any web app

15,355 下載

rspec-change_to_now 1.2.0

RSpec extension gem for attribute matching

15,204 下載

jdbc-nuodb 2.0.3

JRuby JDBC driver for the NuoDB distributed database.

15,194 下載

mutator_rails 0.1.17

Automate mutation testing to find weaknesses in code

15,138 下載

similar 0.0.5

Similar is a library of functions to assist in determining the similarity of arbitr...

14,935 下載

enscalator 0.4.4

Webscale applications from AIR at en-japan inc.

14,773 下載

hashnest 0.1.6

Gem for acsess to api HashNest

14,560 下載

總下載次數 899,030,116

這個版本 1,481,978



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.8.7
