RubyGems Navigation menu

rspec-expectations 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rspec-expectations

vagrant-conoha 0.1.10

Enables Vagrant to manage VPS in ConoHa.

24,468 下載

srx 0.6.0

An SRX segmenting engine

24,367 下載

magicka 1.1.0

Gem for easy form templating

23,697 下載

hyperctl 0.1.1

This Gem provides a simple cli utility named `hyperctl` that can check the status of an...

23,602 下載

vagrant-unison2 2.0.0

Vagrant 1.7+ plugin to sync local files to VM over SSH using Unison

23,494 下載

hse 0.1.21

a gem for HSE Studium Generale group

23,490 下載

nuodb 2.0.3

An easy to use database API for the NuoDB distributed database.

23,381 下載

paykassa 0.1.32

Library for PayKassa Service. Send and recieve payments.

23,306 下載

mpex 0.7.0

MPEx.rb is a commandline client for "MPEx": a Bitcoin security exchange. ...

23,204 下載

conjur-asset-dsl2 0.6.1

A fully declarative DSL for Conjur with Ruby and YAML syntax.

23,021 下載

cfn_monitor 0.4.5

CloudWatch monitoring tool can query a cloudformation stack and return ...

22,872 下載

grocery_delivery 0.0.9

Utility for keeping Chef servers in sync with a repo

22,595 下載

banalize 0.0.6

Run policies tests on bash scripts and libraries with specified policies and severity

22,477 下載

tablestakes 0.10.0

A simple implementation of Tables, for use in summing, joining, slicing and dicing data...

22,452 下載

moiscot-coffee 0.0.10

Lita handler delivering coffee assignation

22,431 下載

rspec-illustrate 0.2.5

A plugin to RSpec and YARD that allows you to define illustrative objects in your examp...

22,205 下載

atomic_cms 0.4.0

Live CMS powered by atomic assets.

21,777 下載

vagrant-alpine 0.4.0

Vagrant support for Alpine Linux Guests. Features include: Detection, Set hostname,...

21,766 下載

vagrant-unison-morroni 0.0.25

Vagrant 1.1 plugin to sync local files to VM over SSH using Unison

21,456 下載

vagrant-junos 0.2.1

A Vagrant plugin for Junos guests, e.g. Firefly Perimeter

21,333 下載

mathjax-renderer 0.0.9

In case there is a need to pre-render MathJax expressions or insert as images

21,069 下載


Command-line Framework to run functional tests against a web application (API, Website,...

21,038 下載

acts_as_has_default 0.0.5

This "acts_as" extension provides the capabilities for selecting default model accordin...

20,807 下載

clarify 2.1.0

Use the Clarify API to make your audio and video files searchable in just a few lines o...

20,713 下載

rdoba 0.9.4

Ruby extension library. It extends Kernel, Object, String, Hash, Array, and some other ...

20,108 下載

realityforge-buildr 1.5.24

Apache Buildr is a build system for Java-based applications. We wanted something that'...

19,996 下載

vagrant-vaimo-unison 2.2.0

Vagrant 2.0+ plugin to sync local files to VM over SSH using Unison

19,889 下載

rimu 0.1.0

This is a Ruby wrapper around Rimuhosting's REST API

19,821 下載

cucumis 1.0.0

Some handy tasty collection of cucumber gems and steps.

19,711 下載

berks2env 0.3.1

Convert a Berkshelf Lockfile to a Chef Environment json

19,649 下載

總下載次數 898,285,610

這個版本 1,267,020



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.8.7
