RubyGems Navigation menu

rspec-expectations 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rspec-expectations

ssh-config 0.1.4

Ssh-Config, a tool that lets you quickly add, update, remove, and copy ssh config file ...

32,828 下載

leadtune 0.0.9

LeadTune Ruby API Gem

32,692 下載

bowler 2.1.0

A wrapper for large Foreman-managed apps with dependent processes

32,325 下載

sale 0.5.0

A wrapper around the Bsale API.

32,296 下載

cucumber-mailcatcher 0.13

Some simple cucumber steps to allow behavioural testing with the Mailcatcher mock SMTP ...

31,884 下載

haml_user_tags 0.10.3

Define reusable functions in Haml that can be called with native Haml syntax.

30,955 下載

puppet-autostager 0.0.16

Create a puppet enviroment for each pull request

30,487 下載

conjur-asset-policy 0.13.0

Fully declarative YAML markup for Conjur policy.

29,818 下載

vagrant-guests-clearlinux 1.2.4

Enables Vagrant to manage Clear Linux guests.

29,288 下載

faraday_csrf 0.1.0

Transparently handles Rails (and maybe not only Rails) CSRF protection, in case you nee...

29,147 下載

vagrant-unison 0.0.9

Vagrant 1.1 plugin to sync local files to VM over SSH using Unison

28,762 下載

mailcannon 0.1.1

A mass mailing tool for real threads aficionados

28,587 下載

ronin-wrapper 0.1.3

A wrapper to enable masterless configuration management, using Chef and/or Puppet.

28,106 下載

cucumber-sshd 2.1.0

Run an sshd server for scenarios tagged with @sshd

27,836 下載

norad_spec_runner 0.5.2

Gem to help with running Rspec.

27,755 下載

proxied 0.2.7

Manage HTTP(S) and SOCKS proxies for Rails apps. Supports ActiveRecord and Mongoid as ORM.

27,128 下載

charger 0.2.0

Utilizes Chargify's REST API

26,894 下載

hyper-mesh 0.6.0

HyperMesh gives your HyperReact components CRUD access to your ActiveRecord models on t...

26,577 下載

knife-elb 0.0.3

ELB Support for Chef's Knife Command

26,537 下載

soar-dependency_container 0.2.0

Dependency injection container compatible with the SOAR Ruby framework

26,246 下載

active_record_block_matchers 0.2.2

This gem adds custom block expectation matchers for RSpec, such as `expect { ... }.to c...

26,234 下載

dq-readability 1.0.6

Extracts main content of the webpage. Presents in good readable format. This gem is act...

26,208 下載

data-com-api 0.2.1

Ruby bindings for API ( Salesforce, ex Jigsaw )

26,175 下載

celery_api 0.0.9

This is a Ruby library that wraps the Celery data model

26,087 下載

sessionm-resthome 0.8.11

Simple wrapper class generator for consuming RESTful web services

25,932 下載

jumanjiman_spec_helper 0.2.0

Puppet spec helper and common rspec tests

25,528 下載

sovaa 0.0.8

CouchDB library

25,327 下載

automation_object 0.8.4

This gem provides a way to create a dynamic usable DSL framework representing your webs...

25,061 下載

vagrant-vcenter 0.3.3

Enables Vagrant to manage machines with VMware vCenter®.

24,743 下載

cvg 0.2.2

Like jq or grep for csv. Combine one or more CSVs while filtering on fields with regula...

24,534 下載

總下載次數 898,072,999

這個版本 1,181,197



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.8.7
