RubyGems Navigation menu

rspec-expectations 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rspec-expectations

ruhoh 2.6

Ruhoh is a Universal API for your static blog.

57,704 下載

lucian 0.3.6

Lucian is a test framework for Docker environments which running up containers using do...

56,779 下載

rspec-resembles_json_matchers 0.9.1

Helpful matchers for comparing JSON documents.

56,274 下載

specstar-models 1.0.0

This gem provides RSpec matchers for model attributes and validators.

54,434 下載

sinclair 2.1.1

Gem for easy concern creation

52,875 下載

wurfl_device 0.2.4

Ruby client library for mobile handset detection

52,416 下載

rspec-when 0.0.2

RSpec extension for when syntax

51,565 下載

azeroth 1.1.0


49,616 下載

extend_at 0.2.4

This gem allows you to extend rails models without migrations: This way you can, i.e., ...

49,487 下載

nagira 0.5.2

Nagira -- Nagios RESTful API Web services API for Nagios: host status (R/W), service s...

48,835 下載

graph_matching 0.2.1

Efficient algorithms for maximum cardinality and weighted matchings in undirected g...

48,318 下載

estella 7.0.0

Make your Ruby objects searchable with Elasticsearch.

48,266 下載

hyper-router 4.1.1

Adds the ability to write and use the react-router in Ruby through Opal

47,779 下載

vagrant-windows-domain 1.3.5

Adds and Removes Windows Guests from a Windows Domain, as part of the standard machine ...

47,693 下載

vagrant-guests-photon 1.0.5

Enables Vagrant to manage VMware Photon machines.

47,008 下載

vagrant-vcloud 0.5.0

Enables Vagrant to manage machines with VMware vCloud Director®.

46,627 下載

clenver 0.1.15

clenver aims to shorten time of configuring your brand new *NIX account to fully featur...

46,050 下載

glebtv-mongoid_nested_set 0.8.0

Fully featured tree implementation for Mongoid using the nested set model

45,972 下載

arstotzka 1.6.2


43,836 下載

gpsd_client 0.0.5

A simple GPSd client intended for use on the Raspberry Pi.

43,043 下載

herbie 0.4.1

Lovable HTML view helpers for use with ERB.

43,033 下載

email_test_helpers 0.3.4

EmailTestHelpers are a collection of lightweight helpers designed for acceptance tests....

42,511 下載

social 0.3.3

This is social networks api wrapper and authorization tools for social applications. ...

39,846 下載

activerecord-jdbcnuodb-adapter 2.0.3

ActiveRecord adapter for NuoDB. Only for use with JRuby. Requires separate Cache JDBC d...

38,910 下載

docusign_click 1.4.0

The DocuSign package makes integrating DocuSign into your apps and websites a super fas...

38,275 下載

vagrant-dsc 2.0.0

Desired State Configuration ( ...

37,765 下載

rnotifier 0.1.5

Exception catcher

35,793 下載

quke 0.10.0

Quke tries to simplify the process of writing and running acceptance tests by setting u...

35,327 下載

orcid 0.9.1

A Rails engine for integration.

33,916 下載

vagrant-kvm 0.1.9

A Vagrant 1.4+ plugin that adds a KVM provider to Vagrant, allowing Vagrant to control ...

33,703 下載

總下載次數 896,916,641

這個版本 846,641



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.8.7
